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我最向往的朝代是唐代,那个中国历史上最强大,文化上最繁荣,经济上最活跃的朝代。这样一个朝代,理当有着那些让你仰望,让你叹息的人。 我想穿越到唐朝。我向往唐代,因为唐朝有李白,有杜甫。唐代有诗,有酒,有着超凡人间的仙,圣。假如我能穿越一千多年的时空,我想见到他们,我要请李白喝酒。我想看诗仙酒过千杯醉饮做诗的豪情。我想与他同举杯,高唱:将进酒,杯莫停…我想与他提壶同游山野,最后醉倒在不知名的地方。 我想穿越到唐朝,唐朝有舞,有歌,唐朝有美女,有用容貌就可以险些覆灭一个帝国的杨贵妃。我想穿越到唐朝,我想看看究竟怎样的容貌让唐玄宗这样英明的帝王迷醉。我想看看究竟怎样美丽的舞蹈能让天下赞叹不息,美名流传千年不灭!我想看唐朝女子有着怎样雍容华贵怎样的千娇百媚。我想见识回眸一笑百媚生的震撼与柔情。我想见识公孙大娘“一舞剑器动四方。观者如山色沮丧,天地为之久低昂”的箫杀凛冽,中国古代女子的侠气。 我想穿越到唐朝,我想看看中国仅有的那个女皇帝。我想看到那个属于一个女人的时代。 我想见识一个女子手中操控下的帝国。我想见识这么一个丝毫不输其他男皇帝的女子!(看看,二哥,这女的多励志)这么一个气度凛然,威仪不失风雅,感情其中女君王! 我想穿越到唐朝,"魏晋人物晚唐诗",在我眼里,李唐人物并不是不如魏晋出色,若没有出色的人,如何能写出出色的诗文?我想感受李唐从魏晋继承来的境界,自身发酵出的诗文。我想感受属于李唐独有的韵味:大气,磅礴,侠义,壮阔。。。感受那个朝代的人物用自己的血与肉谱写出的朝代!历史朝代的更替不过是时间的延续下的产物,当没有这些人物,历史不过是一具干巴巴的骨架,正是这些人物,赋予了历史血肉以及灵魂。我想穿越到唐朝,去亲眼目睹这样一个伟大朝代。 我想穿越去唐朝,去静静的凝视这个朝代。感受它的强大,繁荣,兴盛,叹息它的曲折,衰弱,灭亡。我想处身这样的一个朝代,去思考,去感受一个在中国的历史上疯狂泼洒浓墨尽情恣意的时代!
My dream is that China Tang Dynasty, history of the most powerful and most prosperous culture, the most economically active Dynasty. Such a dynasty, should have those who let you look, let you sigh. I want to go through to the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty Tang Dynasty because I yearn for, Li Bai, Du Fu. The Tang Dynasty poetry, wine, with extraordinary human Xian, saint. If I can make it through one thousand years of time, I want to see them, I will ask Li Bai to drink. I want to see the poetry of wine over a thousand cup drunk Zuoshi pride. I want to sing with the toast, and he will, Mo Cup: stop... I want to travel with him to the pot mountain, finally passed out in an unknown place. I want to go through to the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty dance, song, Tang Dynasty is beautiful, useful looks can almost destruction of an empire of Yang. I want to go through to the Tang Dynasty, I want to see how the face to let Emperor Xuanzong so wise drunk. I want to see how beautiful dance can let the world admire endless, reputation spread Millennium immortal! I want to see the Tang Dynasty woman has a kind of elegant. I want to see how exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful and tender in shock. I wanted to see the enchanting smiles Gongsun aunt "swordplay is always impressive. Such as the viewer frustration, heaven and earth ground" kill Xiao cold, China ancient woman. I want to play through to the Tang Dynasty, I want to see Chinese the only female emperor. I want to see that belongs to a woman's age. I want to see A woman's hands under the control of the Empire. I want to see such a male emperor did not lose the other woman! (see, brother, this girl is more inspirational) such a character and dignity elegant, feelings of female king! I want to go through to the Tang Dynasty, "late Tang Wei character". In my eyes, Li Tang is not as the outstanding figures, if not good, how to write good poetry? I want to feel Li Tang inherited from the realm of its fermentation poetry. I want to feel the unique charm to Li Tang: the atmosphere, majestic, magnificent chivalrous, feel that dynasty character... With the blood and flesh of his composing dynasty! Historical dynasties is just a product of the time, when there is no history of these characters, but is a dry skeleton, it is these figures, given the history of flesh and soul. I want to go The Tang Dynasty, to witness such a great dynasty. I want to go through to the Tang Dynasty, quietly gazing at the dynasty. Feel it's strong, prosperous, prosperity, sigh it twists and turns, weakness, perish. I want to live a dynasty, like to think, to feel a Chinese in the history of madness it nongmo enjoy their time!




Aron Ralston是一个热爱攀岩的美国人。作为一个攀岩者,Aron已经习惯了危险。这是极限运动让人欲罢不能的一个特点。Aron有许多次都差点在登山事故中丧命。在2003年4月26日,他发现自己在犹他州攀岩时陷入了危险之中。

Aron Ralston是美国人对爬山感兴趣.作为一个登山者,阿伦用于承担风险.这是一个令人兴奋的事情做危险的运动.有很多时候,阿伦几乎因为事故失去了他的生命.2003年4月26日,他发现自己在一个非常危险的情况下当爬在犹他州.


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