
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

① between and
② as as
③ has become
④ has been on
⑤ How long has


标准的翻译是:When you are in Rome,do as the Romans do(入乡随俗)

  1. 管辖面积最大的城市 内蒙古呼伦贝尔

        答:The jurisdiction area of the biggest cities in the hulunbuir

        面积最大的直辖市 重庆市

         答: The largest chongqing municipality directly under the central government

        人口(世界)最密的城市 澳门特别行政区

         答:The population (the world) and city of the Macao special administrative

        人口最多的城市 上海

          答:The most populous city, Shanghai



(1) of the biggest cities in the area of jurisdiction, hulunbuir
The largest municipality directly under the central government, chongqing
The population (the world) and city, the Macao special administrative region
The most populous city - Shanghai

(2) because on Venus hung over thick and carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide gas, they brought about by the greenhouse effect is better than a lot of times, combined with the above every volcanic eruption, make it on the ground like a hell on earth.


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    隗虞莺答:the only way to prevent further developments唯一能阻止进一步发展的办法 would be a会 global state that suppressed anything new压制任何新事物的全球政府 and human和人 initiative and inventiveness are such that 的积极性和创造性的 even this wouldn't 即使这不会 suceed成功 the only way to ...

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    隗虞莺答:For Chinese, it’s time for dragon boat racing and Zongzi. But in South Korea, wrestling and swing play are the highlights. However, both events go by the same name — the Dragon Boat Festival. It falls on May 5th of the lunar calendar.对于中国人来说 ,是该 赛龙舟,吃粽子...

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    隗虞莺答:看,听和说 Steve:嘿,Bruce(人名)。你看起来不太好。发生了什么事?Bruce:我感觉很糟糕!我头疼和咳嗽。Steve:这遗憾听到这消息。你这样子多久了?Bruce:两天了。Steve:你可能得了流感,你最好吃一些药。Bruce:我应该会的。Steve:要我带你到医院吗?Bruce:不用了谢谢。我会回家休息一下...

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    隗虞莺答:Holiday Economy As a kind of new economic phenomenon, holiday economy has become the hot point that people focused on . Holiday economy phenomenon shows that consumption structure has been diversified with the improvement of people's living level .The consumption concept of Chinese people...

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    隗虞莺答:香港是一个商业经济发达的地区,Hong Kong is an area of developed business and economy,贵校的商学院的办学水平也闻名于亚洲。The teaching level of your business college is also famous of Asian.随着内地经济的发展,商业人才的需求量会越来越大,With the development of inland economy, the ...

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    隗虞莺答:欢迎您到花园disteict 左转第一大道和享受城市的宁静seteets和小parks.take散步,透过公园的中心,横跨。对面的公园是一个古老的酒店在酒店旁边是一个很小的房子与一intetesting花园,这是年初该园之旅。前来参观大桥街 大桥sreet是个好地方有run.it是一个非常繁忙的街头,你可以玩吉他在该公园内。它的...

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    隗虞莺答:Jonathan River独自住在Compton Stree的一间干净的屋子里,在伦敦工作.相对很多其他中年未婚男子,他过得算是很好.他把房子和与院子维护得很好.每天早上离开的时候,他会关上底楼的门,打开一些楼上的窗户让空气流通.一个夏夜他像往常一样在6:55回家.他打前门的那一刻就觉得有些不对劲.花床上有一个巨大...

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    隗虞莺答:•Going green seems to be a fad(时尚) for a lot of people these days.Whether that is good or bad,we can’t really say, but for the two of us, going green is not a fad but a life style.On April 22,2011,we decided to be green every single day for an entire ...

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