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Physical exercise complements the body health. A healthy body is resulted from physical exercise. Physical exercise will not only keep you healthy, but also shape a perfect body on the basis of health. Boys can build their muscle and girls can keep slim and in good shape. Therefore, health and physical exercise work perfectly together.

Translate chinese into english.

If you think you are right, Please continue to insist.
insist = 坚持

If you think you are right, please persist.
If you believe you are right, please proceed.

If you think you're right, please go on.

If you think you are right, please continue to

If you believe you're right, presist in your opinion.
If you believe you're right, be persistent.


  • 19447334961英语句子翻译……~~~
    刘疯启答:dilight应该是delight吧 Take great delight in annoying his sister.意思是以逗他的妹妹为乐。就是说喜欢作弄他的妹妹

  • 19447334961求翻译:把中文翻译成英文,有点小文采就行,不要网上翻译器。
    刘疯启答:Hello Ms/Mr XX. I am about to enter this school to spend my three years of high school life and studies and I believe that we will get along very well. Now, if I may, I would like to introduce myself for a little bit. My name is XXX, like most others, I do not ...

  • 19447334961把……翻译成(的英文短语)
    刘疯启答:“把……翻译成”的英文短语为:translate from...into...translate后接介词into表示“把…翻译成…”“把…转化为…”;后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把…)从…翻译成为…”; 后接介词to表示“调某人到…”如:translate as把…解释为…translate from Chinese into English从汉语译成英语 ...

  • 19447334961翻译英文 ………
    刘疯启答:擅长:美食/烹饪中医英语考试英语翻译出国/留学 其他类似问题 2013-09-14 怎么将中文翻译成外文 [百度经验] 8 2011-05-04 英语翻译 46 2013-11-25 翻译英文??? 2011-05-05 英语翻译,急阿!~~!~! 55 2012-07-03 翻译成英文。谢了 4 更多相关问题>> 按默认...

  • 19447334961求英语翻译 丝绸之路……因此也可称作“海上香料之路”。 翻成英语 谢...
    刘疯启答:Dynasties. As such, the maritime trade route is also called "Maritime Porcelain Route". While spices and other rare treasures were brought to China at the same time, the maritime trade route is also called "Maritime Spices Route".~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~...

  • 19447334961求中文翻译英语……
    刘疯启答:requirements of those photos?At last, thank you for your help, and I'm looking forward to meeting you Best Wishes,xxx(你的名字)这是一封信吧 这封信的文笔绝对是最好的,望采纳 本人英语能力您可以放心。楼上的那几篇都是百度翻译里翻译出来的,有成堆语法错误的,不信你去试试。

  • 19447334961这篇文章,求翻译成英语.
    刘疯启答:我的梦想是希望将来可以当一名理科老师,让自己以兴趣为工作,全心投入,My dream is to hope that the future can be a science teacher, let oneself in work, dedication,希望可以尽努力教育下一代的社会栋梁,为社会,人们做点贡献.无论身处哪 Hope to try to educate the next generation of the...

  • 19447334961“急求”英语翻译 谢了…
    刘疯启答:Hello!Let me help you,你好!让我来帮助你吧.1)I believe that he can complete the task on time.我相信他能按时完成任务 2)You suspect that he will succeed?你怀疑他会成功吗?3)I am not sure whether she would abide by its promise .我不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言.Well,the answer i...

  • 19447334961请高人翻译成英语``跪求`>>>`急!!!
    刘疯启答:I have an English teacher, her name is a Mandy.She has the long hair of the coffee color, the clothes of everyday are all very beautiful.She starts teach us from the grade 4 English of, at that time, she had a class for us to all use English, few use Chinese.So, ...

  • 19447334961求这句中文翻译成英语!!!
    刘疯启答:You are right,and your grammer is also correct.QQ 948341392

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