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I have had a job interview today.今天我有一个工作面试。
I have passed the TOEFL test.我已经通过了托福考试。
I have done two part-time jobs.我做了两份兼职工作。
I have worked as a part-time salesperson in a company for two years.我在一家公司当了两年的兼职销售人员。
I have visited your website.我已经访问了你的网站。

1. 我刚在电脑里安装了1GB的记忆/内存
2. 我打开电脑发现了一句通知:配置无效/运行安装程序
3. 在下载/安装内容时这个是肯定会发生的
4. 你的系统可以“看得到”你安装的内存,但是你的BIOS看不到
5. 你必须运行CMOS安装程序才可以让BIOS更改CMOS安装程序的扩展内存

There is an immense and justified pride in what our colleges have done.
At the same time there is a growing uneasiness about their product.
The young men and women who carry away our degrees are very attractive a lot – in looks, in bodily fitness, in kinliness, energy, courage, and buoyancy.
But what of their intellectual equipment?
That too is in some ways admirable; for in spite of President Lowell’s remark that the university should be a repository of great learning, since the freshmen always bring a stock with them and the seniors take little away, the fact is that our graduates have every chance to be well informed, and usually are so.
Yet the uneasiness persists.
When it becomes articulate, it takes the form of wishes that these attractive young products of ours had more intellectual depth and force, more at-homeness in the world of ideas, more of the firm, clear, quiet thoughtfulness that is so potent and so needed a guard against besetting humbug and quackery.


There is an immense and justified pride in what our colleges had done. At the same time there is a growing uneasiness about their products. The young men and women who carry away our degrees are avery attractive lot in looks, in bodily fitness, in kindliness, energy and courage. But what of their intellectual equipment? That too is in some way admirable; for in spite of President Lowell’s remark that the university shouldbe a repository of great learning, since the freshmen always bring a shock with them and the seniors take little away, the fact is that our graduates have every chance to be well informed, and usually are so. Yet the uneasiness persists. When it becomes articulate, it takes the form of wishes that these attractive young products of ours had more intellectual depth and force, more at home in theworld of ideas, and more of the firm, clear thoughtfulness。


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