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English,which was ever a kind of offical language of national state are used by more and more countries and people, its the common language in the international communications of ecomony, culture, academic,miltary and politics. Today, there are a dozen countries whose native language is english, and more than seventy countries whose offical language is that, including Nigeria,Ghana, India and Singpore. This number is still increasing, in the every countries' foreign language teaching, English takes priority than French, German,Russian, Spanish and Chinese. in multiple countries, English is deemed as the first foreign language in foreign language teaching. At present, English is used by the countries and poeple all over the world. In international communication, English takes the lead than other countries' languages. English now is becoming universal language,or has been.The number that speaking english is as much as the one speaking chinese. However, establish the status of internatioal language is not only , or rather, be certained by the number of speaking this kind of language.Today, English is a kind of important language tool for every countries to deal with international affairs. When english has used by many countries, it is not only belongs to England or America anymore, but all over the word. Learning english is helpful for absorb the beneficial cultural nutrient from advanced countries, and obtain the advanced technology and management skills.


Then they hugged tightly, blaming each other , but after knew the misunderstanding another two people handed in hand,then Hu Jing took Li Fan to buy a Valentine's Day gifts and roses. Then the two were happy to eat steak until about 10 o'clock, Li Fan bought a big and beautiful fireworks to fire. then Li Fan leaned on the shoulders of Hujing the two people sitting on the grass to enjoy the fireworks. Finally, they had a good time .About 12o'clock , Lifan send hujing home by bike .

1 企鹅头小身子大,短脖子,短腿,很有意思。
1 Small penguin head body, short neck, short legs, very interesting.
2 老虎的强壮的腿,所以它们能跑得快。
2 Tiger's strong legs, so they can run fast.
3 这只小鸟的背是绿色的,胸部是白色的。
3 The bird's back is green and the chest is white..
4 他不会唱歌,也不会跳舞。
4 He can't sing nor dance.
5 企鹅很胖,但它们能游得很快。
5 The penguin is fat, but they can swim fast.


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