
来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ 1.用粉笔在黑板上写 write on the blackboard with chalk
2.把……发送给某人 send...to sb.
3.通过邮件把家庭作业发送给老师 send homework to the teacher by e-mail
4.通过电脑/电话与某人交谈 communicate with sb. by computer/telephone
5.未来生活 future life
6.一整年 one whole year
7.在北极 in North Pole
8.狂风fierce wind
9.暴雨rainstorm; hard rain
10.利用太阳能加热房子 heat up the house with solar energy
11.在网络上 on the internet
12.一个礼拜三天 three days a week
13.空闲时间 spare time
14.变暖become warm

1.用粉笔在黑板上写 write on the blackboard with chalk
2.把……发送给某人 send...to sb.
3.通过邮件把家庭作业发送给老师 send homework to the teacher by e-mail
4.通过电脑/电话与某人交谈 communicate with sb. by computer/telephone
5.未来生活 future life
6.一整年 a whole year
7.在北极 in the North Pole
8.狂风fierce wind/ violent storm
9.暴雨rainstorm/hard rain/downpour
10.利用太阳能加热房子 heat the house with solar energy
11.在网络上 on the internet
12.一个礼拜三天 three days a week
13.空闲时间 spare time/free time
14.变暖warm up/become warm

1. Write on the blackboard with chalk
2. Sent sth to someone
3. sent the homework to the teacher by e-mail
4. talk with someone by computer/phone
5. The future life
6. A whole year
7. In the North Pole
8. strong Wind
9. Heavy rain
10. Use the solar energy heating houses
11. On the Internet
12. Three days a week
13. Free time
14. become Warmer

1. write on the blackboard with chalk
2. send sb ......
3. send homework to one's teacher by E-mail
4. talk with sb on the phone/ online
5. life in the future
6. a whole year / all the year round
7. in the north pole
8. gsle
9. storm
10. heat the house with sonar energy
11. on the internet/ online
12. three days a week
13. free time/ spare time
14. get warmer/ become warmer

1:Write with chalk on the blackboard
2:send ...to someone
3:send the homework by e-mail
4:talk with someone by computer/telephone
5:life in the future
6:all the year
7:In the Arctic
8:fierce wind
10:Use the solar to heat house
11:On the network
12:three days of one week
13:Spare time
14:warming /become warm





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