
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1、However or on time
2、has been South-east Asia
3、Whenever to get call me
4、best to watchanimals
5、are hard to finish
6、important point makes feel ralaxed
7、On the other hand speaking loudly
8、only at most of
9、Three quarters wants


We regret that because we get confused with other customer orders so you receive the wrong product.
About size: because products are produced in different factories, each of them provides a different size, with the formal design of products, fully meet the standards we have done, the quality is the best.
Solve this problem:
1. We will give you a full refund, and you go back 6 or 8 pieces.
2. You accepted the eight pieces, to which we will give you a special discount, because transport costs are very high.
I hope you can accept such a solution, and forgive my mistake.

1,Nanjing,the capital city of Jiangsu Provinceis,is situated by the Changjiang River.
2,Jack graduated from the university in 1990 , and ever since then, he has been teaching software.
3,Yantai faces the Yellow Sea in the east.
4,Dove is regarded as the symbol of peace.
5,My grandfather's house is across the street.

1.Nanjing is situated by the Changjiang River is the capital city of Jiangsu Province. (Situated)
2. Jack graduated from the university in 1990 , and ever since then, he has been teaching software. (ever since)
3, Yantai faces the Yellow Sea in the east,. (Face)
4, a dove is looked as a symbol of peace. (Symbol)
5, my grandfather's house is across the street. (Across)

1. Nanjing,the capital of Jiangsu Province, is situated by the Yangtze River, .
2. Graduated from University in 1990, Jack has worked as the software ever since.
3. 烟台东临黄海? Yellow Sea faces the east of Yantai.
4. Pigeon is regarded as the symbol of peace.
5. My grandfather's house is across from the road.


Nanjing is situated in the Yangtze river,it is the capital city of jiangsu province.
2, jack graduated from university in 1990, and ever since he has been teaching software work.
3, yantai face yellow sea.
4, pigeons are seen as the symbol of peace.
5, my grandpa's house is across the street.
望采纳 祝你学习进步

Nanjing is situated at the side of the Yangzi river,which is the capital of the Jiangsu province
Jack graduated in 1990,ever since he has been working on microsoft
Yantai faces Huanghai in the east
Doves are regarded as the sympol of peace
My grandpa's house go across the road

1. NJ wich is situated by the Yangzi river is the capital of JS.
2. Jack graduated in 1990, he has worked as a software enginner ever since.
3. YT faces to HH.
4. Pigeon is regarded s the symbol of peace.
5. My grandfather's house is across the street.


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