名著精读:《小妇人》第四章:负担 第13节

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~ "Now
that is very cunning of you to turn our own stories against us
and give us a sermon instead of a romance!" cried Meg.
"I like that kind of sermon. It's the sort Father used to tell us
" said Beth thoughtfully
putting the needles straight on Jo's cushion.
"I don't plain near as much as the others do
and I shall be more careful than ever now
for I've had warning from Susie's downfall
" said Amy morally .
"We needed that lesson
and we won't fet it. If we do so
you just say to us
as old Chloe did in _Uncle Tom_
'Tink ob yer marcies
chillen!' 'Tink ob yer marcies!'" added Jo
who could not
for the life of her
help getting a morsel of fun out of the little sermon
though she took it to heart as much as any of them.
ing adj. 狡猾的,有眼光的,精巧的,可爱的 n. 狡诈,灵巧
Many politicians are cunning sophists.
on n. 布道,说教
He fell asleep during the sermon.
ghtfully adv. 深思地,考虑周到地,细心地
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
ight[streit] adj. 直的,准的,正直的,坦率的,连续的,异性恋的 adv. 直接,笔直地,平正了,坦率的,连续不断地 n. 直的东西,传统的人
Please put your desk straight before you leave the office.
fall n. 垮台,暴雨,衰落的原因
Pride was his downfall.
lly adv. 道德上地,道义上地
Morally she leaves much to be desired.
el n. 少量,一口,一片 vt. 分成小块
He wouldn't do such silly things if he had a morsel of sense.
【难句解析】it是这句的形式主语,而逻辑主语是to turn our own stories against us...a romance;turn sth. against *** .“用...来反对/对抗某人”,例句:They tried to turn the students against their teachers. 他们设法让学生起来反对老师;
2."I don't plain near as much as the others do
and I shall be more careful than ever now
for I've had warning from Susie's downfall
" said Amy morally.

【难句解析】as much as “跟...一样多”,例句:Take as much as you like. 你要多少拿多少;

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