名著精读:《小妇人》第四章:负担 第5节

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~ Jo suited Aunt March perfectly, who was lame and required an active individual to attend to her needs. The childless elderly lady had proposed to adopt one of the girls during their time of hardship, and she was quite put out when her offer was refused. Friends warned the Marches that they had lost any chance of being included in the wealthy lady's will, but the unworldly Marches simply replied...
"We cannot abandon our girls for a fortune or a dozen. Whether rich or poor, we will stay together and find happiness in each other."
The old lady refused to speak to them for a period, but coincidentally met Jo at a friend's home. Something about her open face and straightforward manners appealed to the old lady, who suggested taking her as a companion. This did not appeal to Jo at all, yet she accepted the position since nothing better arose, and to everyone's surprise, got along remarkably well with her irascible relative. Occasional storms would brew, and once Jo marched home, declaring she could no longer bear it. However, Aunt March always reconciled quickly and sent for her with such urgency that she could not refuse, for deep down, she rather liked the peppery old lady.
The true draw for Jo was a vast library of exquisite books, which had been collecting dust and spider webs since Uncle March's passing. Jo remembered the kind old man who let her build trains and bridges with his big dictionaries, told her stories about strange images in his Latin books, and bought her gingerbread whenever he saw her on the street. The dim, dusty room with busts staring down from towering bookcases, cozy chairs, globes, and especially the wilderness of books where she could roam自由地, made the library a realm of bliss to her.
As soon as Aunt March took her nap or was engrossed in company, Jo would hurry to this peaceful sanctuary and curl up in an easy chair, devouring poetry, romance, history, travelogues, and pictures like a genuine bookworm. However, like all happiness, it did not last; whenever she was immersed in the heart of a story, the sweetest verse of a song, or the most perilous escapade of a traveler, a shrill voice would call, "Josy-phine! Josy-phine!" and she had to leave her paradise for tasks like winding yarn, washing the poodle, or reading Belsham's Essays for hours on end.

名著精读:《小妇人》第四章:负担 第5节视频

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