名著精读:《小妇人》第三章:劳伦斯家的男孩 第5节

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~ After various lesser mishaps
Meg was finished at last
and by the united exertions of the entire family Jo's hair was got up and her dress on. They looked very well in their simple suits
Meg's in silvery drab
with a blue velvet snood
lace frills
and the pearl pin. Jo in maroon
with a stiff
gentlemanly linen collar
and a white chrysanthemum or o for her only ornament.
Each put on one nice light glove
and carried one soiled one
and all pronounced the effect "quite easy and fine". Meg's high-heeled slippers were very tight and hurt her
though she would not own it
and Jo's nieen hairpins all seemed stuck straight into her head
which was not exactly fortable
dear me
let us be elegant or die.
"Have a good time
dearies!" said Mrs. March
as the sisters went daintily down the walk. "Don't eat much supper
and e away at eleven when I send Hannah for you." As the gate clashed behind them
a voice cried from a window . . .
girls! Have you you both got nice pocket handkerchiefs?"
spandy nice
and Meg has cologne on hers
" cried Jo
adding with a laugh as they went on
"I do believe Marmee would ask that if we were all running away from an earthquake."
ap['mis.hæp] n. 不幸之事,灾祸,恶运
Tell your mother you have arrived here without mishap.
l[fril] n. 衣饰上的绉边,褶皱(复数)frills: 虚饰,装腔作势 vt. 加褶边于
She puts on too many frills.
ed adj. 污染的
Soiled dishes were piled at random.
pin n. 簪,束发夹,夹发针
She has no hairpin because her hair is short.
tily['deintili] adv. 优美地,爽口地,难以取悦地,讲究地
dy['spændi] adj. <主美口>极好的,漂亮的,时髦的

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