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这编文章非常符合我所说的主题 - This article is very much in accord with the theme I talked about.

Huanhuan the head from the Dunhuang mural decoration flame patterns. His outgoing personality and imaginative, familiar with all the ball games, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the red one.

Jingjing the giant panda is a憨态可掬, wherever it will bring joy. As a national treasure of China, won the giant panda's favorite people in the world.

Jingjing from the vast forest, a symbol of harmony between man and nature co-exist. His head from the decoration of lotus petals on宋瓷modeling. Jingjing optimistic about the simple and honest, full of strength, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the black one.

Beibei is the transmission of the blessings of prosperity. In traditional Chinese culture and the arts, the "fish" and "Water" is a pictorial symbol of prosperity and harvest, people with "鲤鱼跳龙门" meaning successful and the realization of dreams, "the fish" There are more than auspicious year more than the implication.

Beibei the use of head decoration of the Chinese Neolithic鱼纹pattern. Beibei gentle purity of water sports is a master, and the Olympic rings in the blue ring has embraced.

Fuwa is the Beijing 2008 29th Olympic Games mascots, the color and inspiration from the Olympic rings, from the mountains and vast land of China,

Rivers and lakes and people's favorite image of the animal. Fuwa to children around the world pass the friendship, peace, and the entrepreneurial spirit of man and nature in harmony with

Department aspiration.

Five lovely Fuwa is a small intimate partners, and their integration into the shape of fish, giant panda, the Olympic Flame, Tibetan Antelope and the Swallow's image.

Fuwa Jingjing贝贝福her Huanhuan Fuwa Fuwa Fuwa Yingying Nini

Each doll has a catchy sound of loud reading the names: "Beibei", "Jingjing", "Huanhuan", "Ying Ying" and "Nini", in China, overlapping musical alphabet

Word is the expression on their children the way a traditional favorite. When the names of the five dolls together, you will read out in Beijing for the kind invitation of the World "Beijing Huan

Welcome you. "

Fuwa represent the dreams and aspirations of the Chinese people. Their prototypes and contains headdress with oceans, forests, fire, earth and sky link

Application of the image of Chinese traditional art form, to show the splendid culture of China.

Will be taken to every corner of the world bless

Since a long time, China has adopted the traditional blessing symbol transmission. Beijing Olympics mascot dolls each represent a good wishes: Fan

Rong, joy, passion, health and good luck. Dolls are the kind with Beijing will be taken to every corner of the world wishes to invite all peoples copolymerization in Beijing, celebrating the 2008 Olympic Festival.

Beibei is the transmission of the blessings of prosperity. In traditional Chinese culture and the arts, the "fish" and "Water" is a pictorial symbol of prosperity and harvest, people

"鲤鱼跳龙门" meaning successful and the realization of dreams, "the fish" There are more than happiness, more than the middle of the implication.

Beibei the use of head decoration of the Chinese Neolithic鱼纹pattern. Beibei gentle purity of water sports is a master, and the Olympic rings in the

Has embraced the blue ring.

Jingjing the giant panda is a憨态可掬, wherever it will bring joy. As a national treasure in China, giant pandas won the peoples of the world's hi


Jingjing from the vast forest, a symbol of harmony between man and nature co-exist. His head from the decoration of lotus petals on宋瓷modeling. Jingjing optimistic about the simple and honest, full of strength, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the black one.

Fuwa Huanhuan is the big brother. He is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic Flame. Huanhuan is the embodiment of sports passion, he will spread the world of passion

Sector, transmission Faster, Higher, Stronger in the Olympic spirit. Huanhuan went, Beijing 2008 was filled with enthusiasm to the world.

Huanhuan the head from the Dunhuang mural decoration flame patterns. His outgoing personality and imaginative, familiar with all the ball games, on behalf of the Olympic rings in the red

One color.

Ying-Ying is a smart and flexible, swift gallop of the Tibetan antelope, he comes from western China's vast land, the beautiful blessing of health to the world Chuan. Ying Ying

Is the protection of animals unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Tibetan antelope, is a display of a green Olympics.

Ying-Ying's head into the ornamentation, such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the western region of Xinjiang style. His agility skill is the track and field athletes, representing the five Olympic

Ring in a yellow ring.

Nini from the sky, is a flying swallow, and its creative design from Beijing Sha Yan Kite tradition. "Yan" also on behalf of Yanjing (Beijing's ancient name). Nini the spring and bring the joy of flying过之处sown "I wish you good luck," a beautiful blessing.

Innocent, cheerful plot of the Ni-Ni will gymnastics competition debut, she rings in the Olympic Green on behalf of one of

Hello everyone! My name is xxx. I come from a beautiful city of China. My English name is Vivian. During the holiday, I made a new friend, his name is xxx. He's a sunny boy, he's my intimate friend. Today is his birthday. Here, I'd like to say, xxx, happy birthday to you!

Hello Everyone,

My name is XXX(或者I am XXX)。I come from a beuaty city. My English name is Vivian. In this vocation, I made a new friend, his name is XXX. He is a sunny big boy, an intimate friend of mine. Today is his brithday. So I want to say to him here, happy birthday , XXX!

Hi , everybody! My name is xxx. I come from a very beautiful city in China. You can call me my English name--Vivian. During my holiday, I have made a new friend whose name is xxx. He is a sunshine boy and also my intimate friend. Today is his birthday, and now I want to say to him, "Happy Birthday!"


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