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笔者在第一章中用中国省级储蓄与投资的确切数据证实了中国金融体制存在不足之处的报道,进而作了产品与资本市场细分, 重视真实的结果。笔者的总的结果大致和Boyreau-Debray和Wei (2002)以及其他作者们是一致的, 笔者可以评价金融改革对政府分配机制之外的资本流动的影响。排除外国投资、政府成分以及官方控制的银行信贷这些因素,笔者发现省份之间的商务资本流动呈现出向市场一体化转变的强烈趋势,并且它们的流动模式开始趋同于美国和其他先进的国家的洲间资本流动模式。这份结果彻底否定了广泛流传的中国经济严重缺乏国内(市场)一体化的观点。几个正在孕育中的资本市场已经采用法定独立份额市场 (LSSM),地方公司市场用同样的方式把资本流动分为两类明显不同的投资者, 国内持股者用人民币交易"A"股而外国投资商用外币交易"B"股。笔者利用一份实验进展来表明,跨细分市场的信息传递可能影响A 股和B股的价格运动的协方差。我们的假设是(以下缺乏部分内容)。

TV shopping in an orderly

TV shopping from the West, the channel is a subsidiary of professional development. Europe, America and other developed Western countries and Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea have improved the shopping channel, the size of income. 2005 European television shopping sales of more than 70 billion dollars. Britain is Europe's leading television shopping market, the proportion of its TV shopping revenue half of the total market. Britain is one of only 50 million population island, but SKY TV digital channels include sales of products related to television shopping channels as many as 100.
Britain's television advertising market in an orderly shopping. First of all, the television shopping in the various aspects of the regulations and the general consensus on the details of TV ads, and even more detailed, more stringent punitive measures. This put an end to the TV shopping products in the false, exaggerated effect, the lack of after-sales service, and other negative consequences. For example: the British television shopping, any weight loss or weight loss products, shall not contain specific commitment to lose weight or lose weight forecast. Shall not use the testimony of a typical diet or specific cases. Shall not be faced with children under 18, a person shall not be displayed in the use of promotional products ago, obesity, but the use of the process after Bianshou evidence or slimming course record. Secondly, the management of the ad clearly states: any TV ads can not be shopping for doctors, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, nurses, midwives, and so do presentations, gives a professional impression of the proposed or recommended. If a similar dress as a professional actor, in TV ads should be made clear in the course of demonstrations are not true professional.
Whether ordinary TV ads or television shopping, are rooted in the people, loss of consumer confidence means loss of markets. This requires that the entire ad industry must strictly abide by relevant state laws and regulations, safeguard television advertising and television industries to the common good faith. Britain's television advertising be called is a very successful example, because management rules in line with public opinion and practical feasibility, the vast majority of television companies and advertisers are willing to abide by the rules established by regulatory bodies and in this framework, production A full and constructive original ad content, the majority of ads to win the trust of the audience, so that ads can become a sponsor programme, socio-economic development and rich culture of effective national television channels.


Effect of KOU Zhun, word-Zhong, China, under Gui people. Ingram Micro less,-"Spring and Autumn Annals" three Chuan. , 19, cited Scholars. After the first, the awarding Dali commentary is tired transfer Dian Zhong Sheng, Division of Support for the three pushed the government, to Salt Magistrate.
Chunhua spring 2002, a severe drought, Tai Yan Jin Chen asked Political gains and losses, the number of days in the public right. On the prospective said: "" Hongfan "Heaven when, if the impact of the serious drought permits covered sentence also have grievances." Taizong anger, all from the ban. Ares of, and response-Q-So grievance, the prospective said: "I hope to call the House, that is to say Robinson." Youzhao response to the House, is a quasi-Yinyue: "Cuozhejieji, Wang Huai are to be bullied by law Qiu, Kyrgyzstan frame is less Fuzhu; Huai Mianyang's younger brother, to participate in politics, to steal the ex-10000000, only crutches, and non-grievance what? "Taizong asked to Mianyang, Mianyang Dunshou Xie. Select then cut Mianyang,矣available for prospective sense. Jibai-left Jianyi doctor, next year, Shaobaicanzhizhengshi.
Taizong reign at the long wait Shu Qi Feng Zheng Li Chu second, Dinu, denounced the Lingnan, Chinese and foreign, not to speak. Since prospective Qingzhou response also, to see, said: "His Majesty the world optional-jun, and seeking and woman in the government, should not also; seeking and Jin Chen, also not; Therefore, the only optional Majesty vice hope to the world." Dili Suisixiangwang for the crown prince.
Shinshu ascended the throne, to associate with, and above flattery from their hard single. Jingde first year to complete Canzhizhengshi Shi-An, a quasi-Jixian Dian Shi-An under-the University of disabilities. Phase-in, employing not inferior race, are quite happy with. It, also Shuguan, with a series of books for the officials to Jin. - Said: "The Prime Minister has therefore Hsien retreat bad, if used with a functional Seoul officials." Wangqinre guidance of the deep. 1 would North Korea, the prospective first retreated, and if Chin Jin said: "His Majesty King Effect of KOU Zhun, their work life, there are evil?" Dili said: "Ran." If Chin said: "Dan edge of the easement, His Majesty not to insult , and that allowed life, work and also what? "Dili stunned said:" Why? "If Chin said:" Chengxiazhimeng, "Spring and Autumn Annals" of shame. Chan Yuan move is also Chengxiazhimeng. your while to Wansheng of the Chengxiazhimeng , such as the shame of it. "it Dili Qiuran displeasure.
Shinshu in the wind disease, Liu G in advance of the Queen Mother, please-between said: "Crown Prince belonged looking to His Majesty the heavy thinking Jongmyo, the Shenqi Chuan, Minister for the fledgling Optional Founder." Ran of Dili. - Then secret order academician Yang billion Bachelor of grass form, please Prince Edward Supervisor country, and to aid Fuzheng billion. Yier seek leaks, stop for Prince Edward太傅, the closure of Levin. Stem-first year, then banished Leizhou Secretary households joined the army.
Over a Year in Leizhou. Both single Guizang Xijing. Cried a festival for all counties in the road, pack Takeue, pegged paper money, depending on the overtime, Health Kuzhu to shoot. Public miraculously ended because, at the age of entitlement.






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