
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

I have seen you are the most beautiful, the most stable, the most kind-hearted girl, nice to know you! I hope we can be good friends!

Do the boys, with the man sitting in the open-air stall eating peanuts, drinking beer, while commenting on the past girl, when the challenge will laugh at, then speak with the question: "how do you so nasty"

I have seen you are the most beautiful, the most stable, the most kind-hearted girl, nice to know you! I hope we can be good friends!希望对你有帮助。

I am so happy to meet you,and you are the girl who is most beautiful,stable,kindest I'v ever met.I hope we can be good friends forever!

You are the most beautiful, the most prudent and the most kind-hearted girl I have ever met. It is very nice to know you. Hope we can be friends forever.

u are the most beautiful, most missish and most kindhearted girl i've ever seen. it's so happy for me to meet you. i hope we'll be friends for a lifelong time


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  • 13913156512各位大虾,请帮帮忙翻译一下,太难了!
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