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我将只考虑自己能够做些什么,能帮上什么忙 用英语怎么说 谢谢~

I will only consider themselves about what they can do, what I can do

BGM: 3oh!3 - Bad Guy(钢铁侠3) Eduard Khil - Trololo ( Bob RovSky Remix )


ai:rain, pain, laid, braid, trail
ai:walk, talk, salt, walt, halt
ar:car, bar, dark, farm, garden, hard, jar, park
are:care, stare, flare, aware
air:chair, hair, pair, stair
ea:eat, meat, eaten, heat, sea
ee:feet, need, bleed, breed, creem, geek
ear:dear, hear, near, spear
ir:bird, sir, girl, skirt
oo:too, stood, look, hook, cartoon
oa:boat, float, goat, toast
ou:out, shout, mouse, loud
ow:low, owe, own, mow, show
oy:boy, toy, joy, soy
or:for, lord, fork, horn
ur:turn, lurk, nurse, curtain
ck:clock, lock, hock, socket
th:with, beneath, thick, threaten
sh:dish, fish, shit, sheep, shoot
ph:photo, physics, graph, phoenix
wh:what, when, why, whether, where,
ch:teach, cheat, leech, chamber, cheese

一个湖北剧团来京,在京常与安徽剧团一起演出,两种唱派合在一起,逐渐形成1.Peking Opera is very popular in China, has a long history of 200

ai:rain__again, failure,
al:walk___false, all, ball, call,
ar:car__department, far, star, start
are:care__hare,prepare, declare,
ea:eat__teacher, beat, heat,read
ee:feet__sheep, see, flee, feed
ear:dear___clear, fear, near, hear
ir:bird__skirt, shirt, first, thirty,thirsty
oo:too__room, food, cool, bamboo
oa:boat___coat, goat, load,
ou:out__mountain, loud, cloud
ow:low__window, throw, blow, own
oy:boy__toy, oyster,
or:for___order, sort, sport_
ur:turn__further, curly, hurt
ck:clock__black, knock, stick, click
th:with:_this, that, them, breathe
sh:dish__fish, wish, finish, she,
ph:photo__phone, telephone,
wh:what___which, where, why, whether
ch:teach__chair, china, teach, beach


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