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这是一篇关于Rube Goldberg削笔刀故事的图文介绍,原文和图可以在网上找到。该公司编写这篇文章的原因是为了丰富削笔刀背后的故事,达到吸引顾问的效果。

Rube Goldberg削笔刀
打开窗户(A),放飞风筝(B)。通过线(C)拉开罩子上的小口(D),放出飞蛾(E),让其蛀蚀红色的法兰绒上衣(F)。随着飞蛾的蛀蚀,衣服的重量逐渐变轻,使得鞋子(G)落到开关(H)上,电熨斗(I)开始升温,把裤子(J)烧出了破洞。散发出的烟气(K)进入树洞(L),烟将负鼠(M,注:负鼠是产于美洲或澳大利亚在树上生活的一种小动物)从树洞中熏出来,跳进篮子(N)里,带动绳子(O),使笼子(P)打开,让啄木鸟(Q)啃掉铅笔(R)上的木头,露出铅笔头。应当准备一把刀子(S),以便在负鼠或啄木鸟生病和不工作时做紧急备用。Rube Goldberg是Rube Goldberg公司的注册商标,且Rube Goldberg公司拥有该商标的版权。


The globalization of economy has made the human resources the first resource and promoted human resources management to the strategic position. Personnel evaluation, as the important means and foundamental content of human resources management, has been paid more and more attention.

Psychometry is now a magnitude way of human resources management, which has been used by many institutions for human resources evaluation and proved effective. It can provide with qualified information support. But the development has been troubled when it's brought into China. Through analysis come out the situation of the dilemma the psychometry technology suffers,the reasons for that and ways of getting out of the dilemma.

Psychometry is one of the major means of personnel evaluation. Through summarizing the modern personnel evaluation technology and psychometrical theories, this thesis mainly discusses the usages of personnel evaluation in different links and several problems of psychometry as personnel selection and discrimination.

键盘上打的 可能有手误 检查一下再决定要不要用吧~~~希望能帮到你。。

Economic globalization has become the first resource of human resources, human resources management strategy was to improve the status of human resources management as an important foundation of technical tools and content - the quality of personnel evaluation of more and more attention.
Psychological tests is an important human resource management techniques, the large number of international agencies on the use of psychological tests have been carried out evaluation of human resources, practice has proved highly effective psychological test is a measurement method, to human resources management agencies to provide high quality information支持. However, because of some special reasons, in the development and application of our country in a difficult position. Through analysis, reveals the psychological test technology in human resources management in our country into the status and causes of the plight, and to explore the path out of these difficulties.
Psychological tests as the quality of personnel, one of the primary means of evaluation, this paper evaluation of the quality of modern technology and an overview of the psychological test theory, with emphasis on the quality of its evaluation of talent in every aspect of the application of psychological tests on staff selection and screening as the instrument some questions arise.


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