
来自:健康知识    更新日期:早些时候

13. 现场应用时,若电容是后加装的,则必须严格审核其额定参数、组成结构以及空间尺寸,确保其符合电机的各项使用要求。

14. 假如随同电机已提供电容,并且该电容中包含易燃性高于ASKAREL的介质,则称该电容为成分已确定且带有内部保护功能的电容(CYWT2);其表面标注为适用于有效故障电流(AFC)不小于5000A的场合。

15. 无论内部集成电容或现场后加装电容是否由制造商提供,都必须达到下表所列出的额定参数。如果在现场应用时采用额定耐压值低于表中要求的电容,则必须重新进行电容耐压测试。应根据现场应用的最小负载选取合适的电容耐压值,并记录在现场应用报告中。

2.Who can monitor the surveillant?

One of my strongpoint is sleeping,and it is also my favourite hobby.I am honored as "Sleeping God" in my dormitary!
I can't praise myself for the others!But when it comes to sleeping,I am never afraid of anyone!I have a true record.I can sleep for 20 hours without staying up last night.
If you want to challenge me ,break the record first !

About introduces oneself always does not have any attainment! Probablyalso was I calls XX, XX year old and so on! Must say said special!
My special skill is sleeps, the usual hobby also is sleeps, thebedroom people all knew politely calls me for to rest the god!
Other I do not dare to say! But discusses rests, who haven't Ifeared! I have a real record, in transits not all night tired and soon in the situation, sleeps soundly for 20 hours! If wants tochallenge I, first broke me to record said again

One of my strongpoint is sleeping,and it is also my favourite hobby.I am honored as "Sleeping God" in my dormitary!
I can't praise myself for the others!But when it comes to sleeping,I am never afraid of anyone!I have a true record.I can sleep for 20 hours without staying up last night.
If you want to challenge me ,break the record first !

I don't have much experience in self-introduction.It tend to be cliches like "My name is..."or "I'm...years old."Boring!Let's have something special!
I'm good at sleeping,which is my hobby,too.My roomates all entitled me as God of Slumber!No one has ever surpassed me in that aspect.Here is one of my real experience:without staying up late into the night,without being exhausted,I had a sound sleep for 20 hours on end!Anyone who wants to challenge me must break this record first.


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    房帖霄答:sorry kldsfajsdkl fjdslk;afjilsdjflksa fldks jflskdafjlks aflkjs fsdl f kjf saldkjflksd akl jfsd jflksdja fksd.

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