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Pete Conrad used to say he was prouder of his walk on the moon. "Some people even get mad," he said. " 'What do you mean, the moon isn't the biggest thing in your life?' I say: 'Well,it isn't'. They think,' Well, it should be'. I say:'Why? I'm the guy that did this'."
Maybe life is one long "wet paint" sign: you don't believe it until you reach out and touch.


Certainly, Dave Scott, of Apollo 15, thought so. Standing on the moon, he voiced his thoughts to Houston:"I realise there's a fundamental truth to our nature: man must explore." Home is never far from our thoughts, though. How many times have you looked forward for months to a holiday,only to find that on day three you're already dreaming of your own bed? But when you return, the process starts all over again.This idea of life as a perpetual cycle seems particularly comforting in a recession. Even though we're overreached(and overborrowed),and been reminded of some home truths, we konw that one day we'll reach out once more.

毫无疑问,大卫斯科特,阿波罗15的乘员之一,也是这么认为的。站在月球上,他将他的想法用声音传给休斯顿:“我意识到我们的本性中有最真实的本能:人类必须探索。”即便如此,家园从未远离我们的思绪。多少次你盼望了好几个月的假期,度假第三天你就开始想念起自己的床榻?但每次你回来,这样一个过程又开始周而复始。特别是在衰退时期,这种认为生命轮回恒久反复的观念令人鼓舞。即便是我们的野心已经过度(我们的预支也已经过度), 每当想起这些有些恼人却又无可争辩的事实,我们会意识到终有一日我们会再度出发。

Which is why the greatest reason to celebrate this 40th anniversary isn't scientific or environmental or political; it's personal.值此40周年(指的是阿波罗登月)庆典之际,最值得欢庆的原因的不是科学、环境或者政治,而是人本身。The next time you go down a footpath just to see where it leads, or when the only thing that will stop your baby crying is taking it for a drive, remember the 12 men who stood on the moon and looked at earth. 下一次你沿着一条小路去探究它延伸的方向,或者你不得不带着你的孩子开车兜风来让他停止哭啼时,记住站在月球上远远望着我们的地球的那12个人。As T.S. Eliot put it:正如T.S. Eliot所说:

We shall not cease from exploration 我们永远都不能停止探索
And the end of all our exploring 如果我们的探索会有终点
Will be to arrive where we started 那也会是我们下一次探索的开端
And know the place for the first time 去首次认识我们未知的所在

Another of Bean's thoughts sums up the very essence of the Apollo missions, indeed of all human travel: that it isn't about who you are. "Everybody came back just more like I knew them. I think maybe success doesn't change you as much as reveal you."






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