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Wing & Run Translating Studio presents the following works:

The entry to WTO has not only brought tremendous opportunities but also post great challenges to the staff construction. These challenges are of ultimacy, comprehensiveness and chronicity. Higher requirements are put forward to the craftsmanship of the talents in textile industry. Based on the analysis on the current conditions of spinning talents, a methodology is adopted to carry out the reform on faculty procession, professional adjustment, reinforcement of exercise section and examination mode. In this way the overall ability and quality of the students is enhanced

Keyword: WTO Textile, Talent Training


Pete Conrad used to say he was prouder of his walk on the moon. "Some people even get mad," he said. " 'What do you mean, the moon isn't the biggest thing in your life?' I say: 'Well,it isn't'. They think,' Well, it should be'. I say:'Why? I'm the guy that did this'."
Maybe life is one long "wet paint" sign: you don't believe it until you reach out and touch.


Certainly, Dave Scott, of Apollo 15, thought so. Standing on the moon, he voiced his thoughts to Houston:"I realise there's a fundamental truth to our nature: man must explore." Home is never far from our thoughts, though. How many times have you looked forward for months to a holiday,only to find that on day three you're already dreaming of your own bed? But when you return, the process starts all over again.This idea of life as a perpetual cycle seems particularly comforting in a recession. Even though we're overreached(and overborrowed),and been reminded of some home truths, we konw that one day we'll reach out once more.

毫无疑问,大卫斯科特,阿波罗15的乘员之一,也是这么认为的。站在月球上,他将他的想法用声音传给休斯顿:“我意识到我们的本性中有最真实的本能:人类必须探索。”即便如此,家园从未远离我们的思绪。多少次你盼望了好几个月的假期,度假第三天你就开始想念起自己的床榻?但每次你回来,这样一个过程又开始周而复始。特别是在衰退时期,这种认为生命轮回恒久反复的观念令人鼓舞。即便是我们的野心已经过度(我们的预支也已经过度), 每当想起这些有些恼人却又无可争辩的事实,我们会意识到终有一日我们会再度出发。

Love is everlastingly patient and kind;
Never be jealous, boastful and arrogant;
Never indulges in shameful act and selfish gains.
Love is never easily irritable, never resentful,
It rejoices in plain truth but not disloyalty;
Forbearance, trust, hope and patience are its traits;
Love is eternity!
However, depravity reigns in the hearts of people
Darkness coheres the souls and depravity thrives in freedom
Let us born in the form of darkness of depravity
And roam in this depraving world.

Cold lonely moon in frigid evening breeze
Solitary in Valentine’s Day, feeling self pity
Hard to meet yet hard to miss
All alone with the long, long night
Who shall pity me, I ask
All memories must be forgotten eventually
Desolations beneath the trees and the moon
Finally shall die prematurely.


第一:The love is permanent endures patiently, also has graciousness to be kind; Likes not envying, likes not boasting that not insolent, does not do the shy matter, does not ask own profit, gets angry not easily, does not calculate person's wickedness, does not like righteousness, only likes the truth; Everything contains, everything believed that everything hope that everything endures patiently: The love is never stops! then degenerates is actually the hold will of the people easily, darkness condenses the soul, degenerates Fang Neng to be free, lets posture which of the darkness we degenerate arrive in the world, in this degenerates in the world roams through!

第二:Orphaned month cold late cold sweetheart festival alone dealings Gu Yingzi mournful sees also difficult to think of also difficult the long night extending endlessly to hold the night to sleep to ask that Iraqi who pities to attend to considers to forget dawn maple tree waning moon words miserable to return to heaven finally after all the war casualty

第一种:The first:
Love is very patient and mercy; Love is not jealous, love does not boast, not wild, and not shy thing, not to do their own benefits, not easily anger, not of the evil, and does not like injustice, only like the truth; everything inclusive, and they believe, and they hope, patience everything: love need not finish!
What it is easily degenerate occupied people, the dark soul of cohesion, can degenerate freedom, let us degenerated to the darkness of the world come posture, in this fallen world of traveling!
The second:
Parthenogenesis, cold
Late cold
Valentine's independence dealings Festival
Gu Ying since Qiran
Unlikely to see
Reith grossly
Have nocturnal night long
Q Who pity Iraq
LAB thought
Invariably forget
Xiaofengcanru so bleak
After all, days of the War

第二种:The first sheets: Love is a
constant endurance , has Enci;
Love is that envying , being
apt is not cracking self up ,
no flippant and impudent , not
doing the shy thing , not
seeking self benefit , get
angry discreetly, not
calculating people's evil
being fond of injustice ,
being fond of truth only or
not; Everything is forgiven,
everything believe that
everything hopes that
everything endures ,: Love be
to cease never! In this case,
degenerate but be casually
Fang Neng who occupies
popular feeling , dark soul
condensing , degenerates is
free , let us come in the
world with posture of the dark
degenerating , travel in the
world degenerating in this!
Second sheets: Lonely cold
late month chill lover joyous
festival alone intercourse Gu
Ying sees that difficult to
think of as well as difficult
to carry the night dormancy in
breast for long dark and
endless night asking he|she
that whose person is
sympathetic with Gu
considering it forgotting the
dawn maple old moon after all
words is bleak certainly in
sadness after all day that
dies young.

第三种:The first: The love is standing permanently, it is kind that there is kindness; The love does not envy, the love is not to boast, non- insolent, does not do the shy thing, does not ask one's own benefit, do not get angry easily, does not calculate people's evil, does not like justice, only like the truth; Everything contain, everything believe everything expect, everything stands: The love will never stop! It degenerates to be but occupying hearting is dark to condense soul, it can be free to degenerate easily then, let us come in generation with the degenerate dark appearance, roam in this degenerate world! The second: Cold in the fatherless moon Late chill Lover's only contact at festival Since Gu Ying is sad It is also difficult to see It is also difficult to think The long night cherishes endlessly to sleep at the night Ask who sympathizes with Iraq Take care of and consider Forget after all The waning moon words of Chinese sweet gum are dreary dawn Shang of it after all .

Love is very patient and mercy; Love is not jealous, love does not boast, not wild, and not shy thing, not to do their own benefits, not easily anger, not of the evil, and does not like injustice, only like the truth; everything inclusive, and they believe, and they hope, patience everything: love need not finish!
What it is easily degenerate occupied people, the dark soul of cohesion, can degenerate freedom, let us degenerated to the darkness of the world come posture, in this fallen world of traveling!
The second:
Parthenogenesis, cold
Late cold
Valentine's independence dealings Festival
Gu Ying since Qiran
Unlikely to see
Reith grossly
Have nocturnal night long
Q Who pity Iraq
LAB thought
Invariably forget
Xiaofengcanru so bleak
After all, days of the War

Love is very patient and mercy; Love is not jealous, love does not boast, not wild, and not shy thing, not to do their own benefits, not easily anger, not of the evil, and does not like injustice, only like the truth; everything inclusive, and they believe, and they hope, patience everything: love need not finish!
What it is easily degenerate occupied people, the dark soul of cohesion, can degenerate freedom, let us degenerated to the darkness of the world come posture, in this fallen world of traveling!
The second:
Parthenogenesis, cold
Late cold
Valentine's independence dealings Festival
Gu Ying since Qiran
Unlikely to see
Reith grossly
Have nocturnal night long
Q Who pity Iraq
LAB thought
Invariably forget
Xiaofengcanru so bleak
After all, days of the War

第一篇 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. I t bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.


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