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I like Femina and TIME magazines, fashion and the events at home and abroad compares attention, love learning, want not to be out of the community我比较喜欢伊周和TIME类的杂志,对时尚和国内外的大事比较关注,喜欢不断学习,希望不被社会所淘汰

I like the British, Britain's mild climate, no severe cold and heat, the four seasons such as spring, social stability, stable life, low crime rate and very few acts of violence occurred.. The UK is a multi-cultural and open-minded country. British art, music, culture and food has been subject to different countries from around the world people and the impact of the national customs, and many countries have a long and close ties.

I am a student : served as school students will be long, students will be director of general office, Minister of the network, Taekwondo Association vice chairman of the rich sense of responsibility, has repeatedly won the" military training of outstanding students"," excellent student cadre."," " three good "student", "outstanding member"," social activist the title of". Today I mainly from the following aspects: self evaluation:
Thought, I pursue progress, political awareness has been greatly improved. I love the motherland, love the people, firmly support the Communist Party leadership and the socialist system. I think the value of a man is he to the society they done contribution to measure, I joined the Communist Party of China is the reason to strive to realize self value. I learn a party seriously various theories, and try to put them in practice, the party has a more clear understanding of.
In terms of study, I think the students' main task is to learn the cultural knowledge, so I am learning sureness, a bit does not relax. I think a good learning method to learn knowledge helpful, so in every exam, I will summarize learning experience. A harvest, often see their gratifying achievements, I would say as long as you have the determination, nothing is impossible. For our computer related professional students, light to learn book knowledge is not enough. The use of spare time I often reading computer books, and participated in a number of computer level exam, achieved good results. I think study is students' occupation, the occupation also need wisdom, perseverance and perseverance. In today's rapid development of the information age, only when we constantly learn new knowledge, it will not fall learning is important, a person ability also nots allow to ignore. Four years of university life has given me many opportunities, such as the Department of Student Association's campaign, in the organization of the speech contest, cultural festival of the Arts Festival, English speech contest. Participation in these activities, I made some very good friends, learn strategies to deal with people, to exercise their abilities. The experience that I know something if you try, the chance of success is half, if do not try, the probability of success can only be zero. The opportunity comes, we should hold well.
University campus is a large family. In this big family, we are cultivating object role play. The teacher is our elders, so I respect for their with. The students like brothers and sisters, we study together, play together, help each other, and get along well. Collective life makes me understand how to understand others and care for others, it also made me stronger and more independent. I feel that things should be responsible for their own, others can only give you a few suggestions. Encounter things to think calmly, not impatient. Not easy promises, promises to deliver. Life needs its own color, not the same way will have a different life. Four years of university life is the best memory of my life, I move forward when won't forget staring back at once years.
我是一名在校大学生:曾担任校学生会会长长、院学生会办公室主任、网络部部长、跆拳道协会副主席等 富有责任感,曾多次荣获“军训优秀学员”、“优秀学生干部”、“三好学生”、“优秀团员”、“社会活动积极分子”等称号。今天我主要从以下几个方面进行自我评价:


  学习方面,我觉得大学生的首要任务还是学好文化知识,所以在学习上我踏踏实实,一点也不放松。我认为好的学习方法对学好知识很有帮助,所以在每次考试后,我都会总结一下学习经验。一份耕耘一分收获,每每看到自己可喜的成绩,我就会感叹只要你有决心,没有什么事是不可能的。对于我们计算机相关专业的学生来说,光光学好书本上的知识是远远不够的。我利用课余时间经常阅览计算机类的书籍,并参加了一些计算机水平的资格考试,取得了不错的成绩。我认为学习是学生的职业,这份职业同样需要有智慧、毅力和恒心。在当今这个快速发展的信息时代,我们只有不断汲取新知识,才不会落  学习固然重要,一个人能力的培养也不容忽视。四年的大学生活给了我很多挑战自我的机会,如系学生会的竞选,院里组织的演讲比赛,文化艺术节的文艺汇演、英语演讲比赛等。在参与这些活动的过程中,我结交了一些很好的朋友,学到了为人处事的方法,锻炼了自己的能力。这些经历使我明白有些事情如果尝试了,成功的机会就有一半,如果不去尝试,成功的几率只能为零。机会来临时,我们就要好好地把握住。

  大学校园就是一个大家庭。在这个大家庭中,我们扮演着被培养对象的角色。老师是我们的长辈,所以我对他们尊敬有加。同学们就像兄弟姐妹,我们一起学习,一起娱乐,互帮互助,和睦的相处。集体生活使我懂得了要主动去体谅别人和关心别人,也使我变得更加坚强和独立。我觉得自己的事情就应该由自己负责,别人最多只能给你一些建议。遇到事情要冷静地思考,不要急躁。不轻易的承诺,承诺了就要努力去兑现。生活需要自己来勾画,不一样的方式就有不一样的人生。 四年的大学生活是我人生中美好的回忆,我迈步向前的时候不会忘记回首凝望曾经的岁月。


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