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马达加斯加3英文剧本台词 有急用 谢谢~




Alex : Alex hungry. Alex eat. Pss!

It's showtime. Thanks for not giving up on me, Marty.

Marty: Man, you almost gave me a heart attack.

You can't just come up here and sneak[ sni:k ] upon me.

Alex : We're getting out of here. Guys, just go with me on this.

Like I said it's showtime. My kill! They're all mine!

Gloria: That's the king of the beast!

Marty: Please leave us Mr. Lion.

Alex : Beauty and savagery[ 's�0�3vid�0�1�0�5ri ] beyond comprehension [k�0�0mpri'hen�0�6�0�5n ]

Marty: I am too young to die!

Alex : And you!

Gloria: Are you maximalist[ 'm�0�3ksim�0�5list ]? You better run for your lives!

Marty: Somebody call a cop!

Melman : He's psychotic[ sai'k�0�0tik ] !

Alex : This is my territory[ 'terit�0�5ri ] ! Understand?

I never ever wanna see you on my turf[ t�0�5:f ] again!

Marty: Yeah! You're the cat!

The king: I did it! Give me some love! The plan worked! The plan worked! I'm very clever! I'm the one, baby! Come on, time to robot! I am a very clever king. I am super genius. I am robot king of the monkey kin[ kin ] .

Alex : So, what's for lunch?

Penguin: Close those eyes!

Alex : Why do I have to close my eyes?

Penguin: Do it!

Alex : They're closed.

Penguin: Higher!

Alex : Yes, sir.

Penguin: No peeping!

Alex : All right, they're closed.

Penguin: Rico. Open that hatch[ h�0�3t�0�6 ]. Fire in the hole!

Now chew! Chew like you mean it.

Marty: And?

Gloria: Well?

Melman : Pretty good, right?

The king: There's always plan B.

Alex : This is better than stake[ steik ]. I love it! I love it!

Penguin: The kitty loves the fishy.

Marty: Can I propose[ pr�0�5'p�0�5uz ] a toast? Now he may be a pain in the butt at times, trust me, I know.But this cat, who to me without a doubt, he has heart as big as his stomach[ 'st�0�5m�0�5k ]! To Alex!

Together: To Alex!

The king: Enough!

Marty: Well, what do you guys think?

Shall we head back to New York?

Alex : I don't know, Marty.I mean this is your dream.

You're sure you wanna leave?

Marty: I don't care where we are.

As long as we're together, it doesn't matter to me.

Alex : Well, in that case. Yo, Rico! I'll take three hundred orders! To go!

The king: Yes, yes. But before you leave, I have an announcement to make. So shut up everyone please. Thank you. After much profound brain things inside my head, I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home. And to make you feel good, I'm gonna give you this lovely party gift.

Alex : No, I couldn't. Really I can't take your crown.

The king: That's okay, I've got a bigger crown.

It's got a gecko [ 'gek�0�5u ] on it.

Look at them shake!

Alex : Bye, little fuzz[ f�0�5z ] buggots!

Gloria: Thanks for everything!

The king: Okay, bye-bye now.


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