
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

警官:Captain Dubois,I am so happy to see you! You will not believe…
警官:迪布瓦队长 看到你很高兴 你不知道…
女警官:Get back ,you fool! Your cheap cologne is obscuring the animal musk!
女警官:滚开 笨蛋 你的香水掩盖了动物的气味
警官:Oh , my face !
女警官:Poor ,poor animals .You should never nave left the forest . Now you will with we !
女警官:可怜的动物们 你们不该离开森林的 现在还要面对我
企鹅1:Kowalski Signal the chimps to meet us at the rendezvous point with the Super Plane . Hotell Ambassador . Let’s move it !
企鹅1:科瓦斯基 给猩猩发信号带着超级飞机去会合点 大使酒店 我们走
女警官:Voila . Giraffee at twelve o’clock
女警官:看 长颈鹿就在前面 .
长颈鹿:Guys , we ‘ve got a tail .
长颈鹿:喂 有人跟踪
老鼠1:Paparazzi !
企鹅1:Pedal to the metal , Private .
企鹅1:油门踩到底 士兵
老鼠1:Don’ t take any photos , please! Hi ! Here I am! Don’t take…any…photos .
老鼠1:不要拍照嘛 讨厌 嗨! 我在这儿 不要拍照
老鼠2:No more pictures ! Medic !
老鼠2:不要再拍了 医生
企鹅1:ETA to rendezvous point ?
企鹅2:Two minutes.37 seconds , sir .
企鹅!:Man your battle stationa !
狮子:Hey ! Wait ! Nobody ‘ s at the wheel ! Get back there ! Negative on the driver ! There is no driver !
狮子:喂 等等 没人开车了 回来 没有司机了 没有司机了
母河马:Help ! Nobody ‘ s driving ! Oh , no! We’re going to die !
母河马:救命 没人开车了 我们要死了
企鹅1:Don’t just sit there , fance pants . Grad the wheel !
企鹅1:别干坐着 娘娘腔 开车啊
狮子:Are you kidding ? I don’t drive . I’m a New Yorker !
狮子:开什么玩笑 我不会开车 我是纽约人
斑马:Move over , Miss Daisy !
斑马:让开 小妞
狮子:What are you doing ? Zebras can’t drive !Only penguins and people can drive .
狮子:你干什么 斑马不会开车 只有企鹅和人会开车
斑马:What do all these buttons do ?
狮子:Help me !
企鹅1:Nice one , Stripes !
企鹅1:漂亮 斑马
老鼠2:Crazy woman gaining !
企鹅1:Our omega---3 slick will take them down . Private , activate ! She is good ! Kowalski , intel .
企鹅1:我们的润滑油能拦住他们 士兵 启动 她不简单啊 科瓦斯基 查一下
企鹅2:Sir . We have a seriousproblem . Captain Chantal Dubois . Monaco Animal Control . Perfect case record .
企鹅2:长官 有麻烦了 香塔尔 迪布瓦队长 摩纳哥动物管理局的 从未失手
狮子:You’re going the wrong way , Marty ! (马蒂------斑马)
狮子:走错路了 马蒂
斑马:Just call me Marty---o Andretti .
狮子:No . You’re Sucky---o Andretti !
狮子:不 你是垃圾王马蒂
斑马:Stop backseat drivering !
狮子:I’m passenger---seat driving . Give me the wheel .
狮子:你不行 把方向盘给我
斑马:It’s not a wheel , it’s my baby !
斑马:这不是方向盘 是我的宝贝
狮子:Your hoofs aren’t meant to be on a wheel !
斑马:Hey ! Too late for you to drive !
斑马:喂 现在想起开车晚了
狮子:Don’t look at me ! Don’t look at me when we argus ! Look at the road !
狮子:别看着我 我们争吵的时候不要看我 要看路
斑马:Be cool , be cool ! Hi , Officer . Is there a problem ?
斑马:镇定 镇定 你好 警官 有什么事吗
狮子:Hi ! Watch out !
狮子:嗨 小心
企鹅1:We need more power . Time to fire up Kowalski’s nucular reactor .
企鹅1:我们需要更多动力 该启动我的核反应堆了
母河马:That’s a nucular reactor ?
企鹅1:Nucular .
长颈鹿:She’s on the roof !
企鹅3:The control rods will have to be calibratea . And don’t even ask me about the Uranium---238 blanket .
企鹅3:可是还没追备好呢 需要校正一下操纵杆 铀—238的覆盖层就更不用提了
企鹅1:OK .
狮子:OK , Marty , we lost her ! Maybe you can slow down now .
狮子:好了 马蒂 把她甩掉了 可以减速了
斑马:I can’t ! There’s no brakes !
斑马:不行啊 没有刹车
企鹅1:No brakes ? Way to commit , soldier .
狮子:Let’s get out of here !
所有人:Go , go , go ! Move ! Now !
所有人:快 快
老鼠1:Hey , where’s everybody going ? I’m flying ! I’m flying ! I’m the first flying monkey !
老鼠1:喂 你们去哪儿啊 我飞起来了 飞起来了 我是第一只会飞的猴子!
所有人:Oh , yet !
所有人:噢 耶



Although on the mouth dislikes you to say I young stupid stupid, satisfying in very am actually happy - because loves you
Is receiving suffering from injustice time always first to think of you - because I love you
Is late in you blames you, really scolds you, but is treasures each time with you in together - because me loves you
Very is really mean spirited, in the eye allows not to be below sand - because I love you
Each time the vitality does intentionally has not calmed down, only is wants to listen to you to roar oneself - because I love you
Can accompany you to look together you most like program, even if is the oneself most repugnant drop - because I love you
Always wants your slow spot to eat, because feared you can have the gastric disease - because I love you




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