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- Oh, sleeping just knocks me out.
Yeah, I'm fine. I often doors off while I'm getting a hemorrhoid.
- Cat skin?
- Zoo transfer! Oh, no.
I can't be transferred, I have an appointment with doctor Goldberg at 5.
- My prescriptions have to be filled.
- No other zoo can afford my medical care!
- I am not going nowhere.
- He does have a point.
- I did say we should stay at the zoo,but you guys!
- Thank you, Gloria. Besides Alex,it is not my fault that we're transferred!
- I feel nauseous.
Hey! Help!
Get me out of this thing, somebody! Hello?
Get me out of this thing right now!
- Hello? Somebody?
- Alex? Is that you?
- Alex, what are you doing?
- Alex?
- Wait! Wait! Come on! Wait!
- Wait! Wait! Wait!
- No! Come on! Come on!
- Look! Look!
Look, look! It's Gloria! It's Gloria!
Oh hey, it is Gloria.
Yeah, here we are.
Where exactly is here?
- San Diego.
White sandy beaches, cleverly simulated natural environment,wide open enclosures, I'm telling you this could be the San Diego zoo.
Complete with fake rocks.Wow! That looks real.
- A sidewalk will be nice.
Nature! It's all over me! Get it off!I can't see! I can't see!
I can see!
Yeah, right.
Well, since I'm doomed to die
on this forsaken island,I, Melman Mankowitz being of
sound mind and on sound body have divided my estate equally
among the three of you.
- Oh, sorry Alex.
- Yeah! You've abused the power of the birthday wish and brought this bad luck on all of us.
Why did you tell your wish?
You're not supposed to do that!
- Well now what do we do?
- Great! Idiot.
Why can't we just borrow some of Marty's fire?
- I've been doing, I can't!
I can't! I can't do it!
I can't do it!
Fire. Fire!
Fire! Fire!
- Fire!
Can we go to the fun side now?

Madagascar Script - Dialogue Transcript


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