急求 马达加斯加3 中的经典对白!最好是中英结合的 !

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

listen, Mototo, you better treat this lady like a queen.
Because you, my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman.
If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman,
I`d give her flowers every day. And notjust any flowers.OK?
Her favorites are orchids. White. And breakfast in bed.
Six loaves of wheat toast, butter on both sides.
No crust, the way she likes it.
I`d be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend.
I`d spend every day thinking of how to make her laugh.
She has the most amazing laugh.
That`s what I would do if I were you.
But I`m not, so you do it.

警官:Captain Dubois,I am so happy to see you! You will not believe…
警官:迪布瓦队长 看到你很高兴 你不知道…
女警官:Get back ,you fool! Your cheap cologne is obscuring the animal musk!
女警官:滚开 笨蛋 你的香水掩盖了动物的气味
警官:Oh , my face !
女警官:Poor ,poor animals .You should never nave left the forest . Now you will with we !
女警官:可怜的动物们 你们不该离开森林的 现在还要面对我
企鹅1:Kowalski Signal the chimps to meet us at the rendezvous point with the Super Plane . Hotell Ambassador . Let’s move it !
企鹅1:科瓦斯基 给猩猩发信号带着超级飞机去会合点 大使酒店 我们走
女警官:Voila . Giraffee at twelve o’clock
女警官:看 长颈鹿就在前面 .
长颈鹿:Guys , we ‘ve got a tail .
长颈鹿:喂 有人跟踪
老鼠1:Paparazzi !
企鹅1:Pedal to the metal , Private .
企鹅1:油门踩到底 士兵
老鼠1:Don’ t take any photos , please! Hi ! Here I am! Don’t take…any…photos .
老鼠1:不要拍照嘛 讨厌 嗨! 我在这儿 不要拍照
老鼠2:No more pictures ! Medic !
老鼠2:不要再拍了 医生
企鹅1:ETA to rendezvous point ?
企鹅2:Two minutes.37 seconds , sir .
企鹅!:Man your battle stationa !
狮子:Hey ! Wait ! Nobody ‘ s at the wheel ! Get back there ! Negative on the driver ! There is no driver !
狮子:喂 等等 没人开车了 回来 没有司机了 没有司机了
母河马:Help ! Nobody ‘ s driving ! Oh , no! We’re going to die !
母河马:救命 没人开车了 我们要死了
企鹅1:Don’t just sit there , fance pants . Grad the wheel !
企鹅1:别干坐着 娘娘腔 开车啊
狮子:Are you kidding ? I don’t drive . I’m a New Yorker !
狮子:开什么玩笑 我不会开车 我是纽约人
斑马:Move over , Miss Daisy !
斑马:让开 小妞
狮子:What are you doing ? Zebras can’t drive !Only penguins and people can drive .
狮子:你干什么 斑马不会开车 只有企鹅和人会开车
斑马:What do all these buttons do ?
狮子:Help me !
企鹅1:Nice one , Stripes !
企鹅1:漂亮 斑马
老鼠2:Crazy woman gaining !
企鹅1:Our omega---3 slick will take them down . Private , activate ! She is good ! Kowalski , intel .
企鹅1:我们的润滑油能拦住他们 士兵 启动 她不简单啊 科瓦斯基 查一下
企鹅2:Sir . We have a seriousproblem . Captain Chantal Dubois . Monaco Animal Control . Perfect case record .
企鹅2:长官 有麻烦了 香塔尔 迪布瓦队长 摩纳哥动物管理局的 从未失手
狮子:You’re going the wrong way , Marty ! (马蒂------斑马)
狮子:走错路了 马蒂
斑马:Just call me Marty---o Andretti .
狮子:No . You’re Sucky---o Andretti !
狮子:不 你是垃圾王马蒂
斑马:Stop backseat drivering !
狮子:I’m passenger---seat driving . Give me the wheel .
狮子:你不行 把方向盘给我
斑马:It’s not a wheel , it’s my baby !
斑马:这不是方向盘 是我的宝贝
狮子:Your hoofs aren’t meant to be on a wheel !
斑马:Hey ! Too late for you to drive !
斑马:喂 现在想起开车晚了
狮子:Don’t look at me ! Don’t look at me when we argus ! Look at the road !
狮子:别看着我 我们争吵的时候不要看我 要看路
斑马:Be cool , be cool ! Hi , Officer . Is there a problem ?
斑马:镇定 镇定 你好 警官 有什么事吗
狮子:Hi ! Watch out !
狮子:嗨 小心
企鹅1:We need more power . Time to fire up Kowalski’s nucular reactor .
企鹅1:我们需要更多动力 该启动我的核反应堆了
母河马:That’s a nucular reactor ?
企鹅1:Nucular .
长颈鹿:She’s on the roof !
企鹅3:The control rods will have to be calibratea . And don’t even ask me about the Uranium---238 blanket .
企鹅3:可是还没追备好呢 需要校正一下操纵杆 铀—238的覆盖层就更不用提了
企鹅1:OK .
狮子:OK , Marty , we lost her ! Maybe you can slow down now .
狮子:好了 马蒂 把她甩掉了 可以减速了
斑马:I can’t ! There’s no brakes !
斑马:不行啊 没有刹车
企鹅1:No brakes ? Way to commit , soldier .
狮子:Let’s get out of here !
所有人:Go , go , go ! Move ! Now !
所有人:快 快
老鼠1:Hey , where’s everybody going ? I’m flying ! I’m flying ! I’m the first flying monkey !
老鼠1:喂 你们去哪儿啊 我飞起来了 飞起来了 我是第一只会飞的猴子!
所有人:Oh , yet !
所有人:噢 耶

长颈鹿爱上河马(Melman fell in love with Gloria)
  Melman: Listen Moto Moto. You better treat this lady like a queen because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect women. If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect women I would give her flowers everyday and not just any flowers, okay? Her favorites are orchids, white, and breakfast in bed... six loaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides, no crust. The way she likes it. I'd be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend and I'd spend everyday trying to think of how to make her laugh. She has the most, most amazing laugh. Well that's what I would do if were you.
  Alex: Marty! I know you're in there. Before I go, I got something I want to say. You've been a great friend. You've helped me so often to see the bright side of my problems that I never think of you having any. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. …… Just like back at the zoo. What kind of friend does that make me? A pretty lousy friend, I guess. I just want you to know that I... You're one in a million. Know what makes you special? These guys are white with black stripes. You're black with white stripes. You're a dreamer, Marty. Always have been. You have great taste in music and horrible taste in friends. Well, not Melman and Gloria, but me.
  Nana: Gather 'round, children. We're New Yorkers, right? We survive the concrete jungle! When we need food, we hunt for a decent hot dog stand. When we need shelter, we build skyscrapers. When we need water, we build a dam. We're New Yorkers, for crying out loud! If we can make it there, we can make it anywhere!
  -我有好消息 也有坏消息
  I've got good news and bad news.
  好消息就是 我们马上就要降落了
  The good news is, we will be landing immediately.
  The bad news is...
  we are crush landing!
  -好让其他乘客 不被你惊吓的表情吓坏(飞机瞬间降落时)
  to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.
  -当你们要航空旅行时 我们知道 你们别无选择
  When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.
  但还是要谢谢你们选择企鹅航空(== :D)
  But thanks again for choosing air penguin.

listen, Mototo, you better treat this lady like a queen. 听着,摩托托,你最好对这女孩好一点 Because you, my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman. 由于你找到了这个世界上最完满的女人 If I was ever so lucky to find the perfect woman, 假如我有这么侥幸的话 I`d give her flowers every day. And notjust any flowers.OK? 我一定每天都给她送花。当然不是随意什么野花都行,知道吗? Her favorites are orchids. White. And breakfast in bed. 她喜欢兰花,白色的那种,早餐要送到她床上 Six loaves of wheat toast, butter on both sides. 六片小麦土司,两面都要涂黄油 No crust, the way she likes it. 面包片要去掉,她不喜欢吃 I`d be her shoulder to cry on and her best friend. 我情愿成为她最知心的冤家,在她伤心忧伤的时分给她依托的肩膀 I`d spend every day thinking of how to make her laugh. 我每天都会想着怎样让她开心 She has the most amazing laugh. 她有这世界上最美的笑脸 That`s what I would do if I were you. 假如我是你的话,我就会这么做 But I`m not, so you do it. 不过我不是,所以你要替我做

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急求 马达加斯加3 中的经典对白!最好是中英结合的 !视频




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