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Extreme sports, is a combination of some difficult and challenging combination of sports, such as: speed drop, skateboarding, extreme cycling, rock climbing, snowboarding and so on are extreme sports.

In the process of integration with nature, human beings, with the help of modern high-tech means, maximize their physical and mental potential and challenge themselves to entertainment and sports. It is adventurous and stimulating;

In addition to pursuing the spirit of "higher, faster and stronger" beyond the physical limit of competitive sports, it also emphasizes the spirit of participation, entertainment and bravery, and pursues the pleasure and sense of achievement obtained when crossing psychological barriers. 

At the same time, it also reflects the good wishes of human beings to return to the nature, return to nature and protect the environment. Therefore, it has been hailed as "future sports" by all countries in the world.










  • 19810571775极限运动的英文简介
    潘废庭答:极限运动的英文简介:Extreme sports, is a combination of some difficult and challenging combination of sports, such as: speed drop, skateboarding, extreme cycling, rock climbing, snowboarding and so on are extreme sports.In the process of integration with nature, human beings, with the...

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    潘废庭答:wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration. The damper assembly also including a substantially rigid transition shim disposed between the spherical elastomer bearing member and the flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the substantially ...

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  • 19810571775怎么用英文介绍蹦极这一项极限运动?
    潘废庭答:Bungee jumping (also spelled "Bungy" jumping)[1][2] is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also possible to jump from a...

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  • 19810571775求英语达人:极限运动——冲浪的英文介绍
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    潘废庭答:the U stage, Ollie, these techniques can be in addition to the turning plate outside the most important skateboard action.If can have the In the eighteen fifties at the end of the Pacific, an inventive Edison descendants of the ancient Chinese people's fantasy or reality.At the ...

  • 19810571775“蹦极”是什么?
    潘废庭答:蹦极源于英文“bungy”或者“bungee”,为什么会有两个名字呢? 可能的原因有两个: 第一种说法:目前所知,bungee 最早出现于牛津极限运动俱乐部,他们管这项运动叫做 bungee 。这项运动在新西兰叫 bungy ,极有可能是由于拼写错误,但是由于在新西兰推广的很成功,人们普遍接受了bungy ,所以就有了这个词。 第二种说法...

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