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中文:Aggressive Inline直排轮滑(国语俗称轮刀Skate Blade)的发展有几百年的历史,1979年Scott Olsen改进了直排轮滑,由此开始了直排轮滑的迅速发展,并出现了各类赛事,成为世界流行的一项运动,并因为其特有的惊险刺激而成为极限运动的一员,与滑板、特技单车一起成为极限运动会的项目。直排轮滑、特技单车、滑板等三项运动俗称B3(都带有B字母,Bike、SkatBoard、Skate Blade)项目。










【Aggressive Inline 】 Inline skating (commonly known as round knife Mandarin Skate Blade) the development of several hundred years of history in 1979, Scott Olsen improved vertical roller skating, inline skating Thus began the rapid development and the emergence of various types of events, become a popular a sport in the world, and because of its unique thrill of extreme sports to become a member, and skateboarding, stunt bike with a limit of Games items. Inline skating, stunt bike, skateboards, etc. 3 movement known as B3 (both with B alphabet, Bike, SkatBoard, Skate Blade) project.

Extreme Sports Description:

Inline skating is the ultimate "extreme pioneers who" will tear down the traditional vertical skating games are played another high: rub slippery railing, jumping steps, U pool that occurs when somersault. Roller skating for its predecessors, we will not unfamiliar with the taste of wrestling when beginners must also remember; Vertical roller 4 by the two rows of rollers made into single-row four, while the wheel has become narrower, smaller contact surface, shoes have become deeper and more solid tight. This has brought little change in speed, difficulty, style and so on all aspects of qualitative change, but also for young people like to change the movement opportunities for innovation.

Competitive Inline Skating is currently the principal competitive methods are:

1) Street-style barriers;

2) U pool (half-pipe);

3) The bowl-type;

4) downhill and so on.

After years of development, extreme skating it is a global movement, and the players continue to develop towards a younger age. These have prompted each race is more exciting: because each race has a new player has entered, but each of them brings a new set of extraordinary moves


Surfing is the term is used for a surface water sport in which the person surfing moves along the face of a breaking ocean wave (the "surf"). However, surfing is not restricted to saltwater, but can sometimes take place on rivers, using a standing wave. The main use of the word "surfing" is for riding waves using a board on which the surfer stands. Other forms include bodyboarding, in which the individual riding the wave only partly raises his upper body from the board surface, and from bodysurfing, where no board at all is used.

Two major subdivisions within contemporary stand-up surfing are longboarding and shortboarding, reflecting differences in surfboard design and riding style.

In tow-in surfing (most often, but not exclusively, associated with big wave surfing), a surfer is towed into the wave by a motorized water vehicle, such as a jetski, generally because standard paddling is often ineffective when trying to match a large wave's higher speed.

Depending on wave size, direction, and on wind conditions, sailboats can also surf on larger waves on open sailing waters. Unlike "surfers", sailors usually do not surf in beach waves, and they usually do not go out in order to surf; instead, the wave and wind conditions may allow them to boat surf during a sailing trip. More recently, the same principle of craft-based surfing has been increasingly used by kayakers, notably in the sport of playboating, which is mostly carried out on rivers (see playspot).

Surfing-related sports such as paddleboarding and sea kayaking do not require waves, and other derivative sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing rely primarily on wind for power, yet all of these tools may also be used to ride waves.

Recently with the use of V-drive boats, wakesurfing has grown. Wakesurfing is surfing behind a boat, riding the wave or wake which is created by the boat.



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