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如果你喜欢追求刺激,勇于冒险,而且胆子够大,那么尝试目前户外活动中刺激度排行榜名列榜首的"蹦极"。蹦极(Bungee Jumping),是近几年来新兴的一项非常刺激的户外休闲活动,对于整日身处于水泥丛林中,无处宣泄工作压力的上班族,业务员,或是面对联考压力的学生,或是情场失意,或是生活困惑,沮丧的人,或是军旅生涯困顿的人,都可以来此宣泄一番。


当你居高临下站在高桥上的时候,所有聚集于此的英雄好汉或是围观的群众都准备好将为你加油喝彩,这时会有两位专业的指导教练上前作最后一次的安全监察,两声"double check",确定无误便开始5秒钟的倒数记时,准备好了吗?"五,四,三,二,一....",开始展示你人生最漫长的5秒钟吧!


一、第一种说法:目前所知, bungee 最早出现于牛津极限运动俱乐部,他们管这项运动叫做 bungee . 这项运动在新西兰叫 bungy ,极有可能是由于拼写错误,但是由于在新西兰推广的很成功,人们普遍接受了 bungy , 所以就有了这个词。

二、第二种说法:bungy 和 bungee 是有差别的
bungee 所用的绳索是用多种材料复合而成,在北美通常用5/8英寸军事规格的绳索,伸缩率能达到210%,现在也有使用 TR2 和 Ripcord,伸缩率分别达到240%和280%,它的特点是有更高的自由落体,反弹时间更长,感觉更刺激。

bungy 发源于新西兰,使用的绳索是橡皮绳(具有无限的伸缩),有可变的掣动系统,能控制最大伸缩距离。它的特点是比较低的速度,比较高的反弹,感觉平稳,特别适合绑踝跳。


A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration. The damper assembly also including a substantially rigid transition shim disposed between the spherical elastomer bearing member and the flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the substantially rigid transition shim is operable for coupling the spherical elastomer bearing member to the flat elastomer bearing member.

The damper assembly further including a tension member attached to the substantially rigid transition shim, wherein the tension member is operable for precompressing the spherical elastomer bearing member and increasing the cocking stiffness of the damper assembly.

Bungee jumping (also spelled "Bungy" jumping)[1][2] is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also possible to jump from a movable object, such as a hot-air-balloon or helicopter, that has the ability to hover above the ground. The thrill comes as much from the free-falling as from the rebounds.[3]

Bungee Jump in Normandy, France (Souleuvre Viaduct)When the person jumps, the cord stretches and the jumper flies upwards again as the cord snaps back, and continues to oscillate up and down until all the energy is dissipated.

missed in the sky,but you are safe


  • 19284891913怎么用英文介绍蹦极这一项极限运动?
    钱径华答:Bungee jumping (also spelled "Bungy" jumping)[1][2] is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also possible to jump from a...

  • 19284891913谈论极限运动(Extreme Games)英语口语对话
    钱径华答:最早的极限运动可能就是登山,或者叫做登山运动。艾得蒙•希拉里爵士是第一个爬上珠穆朗玛峰的人,他道出了之所以从事这些危险举动的另一个原因。当问到他为什么会选择攀爬世界第一高峰的时候,他回答:因为它在那里。 Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrases --extreme 极端的,极度的 --rappel 用绳索(垂直)下降 --clim...

  • 19284891913【又来麻烦老师了】请老师帮忙翻译图片上的英文!谢谢!寒假作业
    钱径华答:跳伞运动也许是最危险的极限运动了,跳伞运动是从飞机上,在几万尺高的天空中跳下,他们通常会感觉很自由,然后打开降落伞来减少他们下降的速度,for a safe landing是安全的着落。希望对你有帮助!

  • 19284891913急求极限运动英文介绍一份,我做ppt用,所以别太长也别太短
    钱径华答:蹦极的叫法很多,英文中有Bungee, Bungy, Bunjee, Le Benji ,Suicide Practice, Bungee Jumping等,在中文翻译中因为其极限的内容和从高空”蹦”下的特点而叫做“蹦极”或“高空弹跳”。蹦极地点桥梁式蹦极:直接从桥梁跳下。悬崖式蹦极:在悬崖绝壁上伸出跳台。塔架式蹦极:在广场上建造一个斜塔,然后在塔上伸出跳台。...

  • 19284891913“蹦极”是什么?
    钱径华答:第一种说法:目前所知,bungee 最早出现于牛津极限运动俱乐部,他们管这项运动叫做 bungee 。这项运动在新西兰叫 bungy ,极有可能是由于拼写错误,但是由于在新西兰推广的很成功,人们普遍接受了bungy ,所以就有了这个词。 第二种说法:bungy 和 bungee 是有差别的bungee 所用的绳索是用多种材料复合而成,在北美通常用...

  • 19284891913介绍一个极限运动的英语文章
    钱径华答:介绍一个极限运动的英语文章范文一 A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is ...

  • 19284891913蹦极的起源发展

  • 19284891913谁可以介绍一下蹦极这项极限运动?
    钱径华答:一、第一种说法:目前所知, bungee 最早出现于牛津极限运动俱乐部,他们管这项运动叫做 bungee . 这项运动在新西兰叫 bungy ,极有可能是由于拼写错误,但是由于在新西兰推广的很成功,人们普遍接受了 bungy , 所以就有了这个词。二、第二种说法:bungy 和 bungee 是有差别的 bungee 所用的绳索是用...

  • 19284891913蹦极的来历和玩法是什么?

  • 19284891913用英文介绍极限运动
    钱径华答:极限运动,一些内容参考了:)~A damper assembly including a spherical elastomer bearing member, wherein the spherical elastomer bearing member is operable for accommodating relative motion and vibration, and a flat elastomer bearing member, wherein the flat elastomer bearing member is operable...

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