
来自:流行资讯    更新日期:早些时候
~ 1. 持续观察自己的内心状态,你将逐渐与过去断开联系。后悔是过去的产物,每当回忆涌上心头,遗憾的故事便随之而来。你难以释怀过去,是因为它在你心中留下了深刻的印记,其力量甚至影响到了你的现在。然而,如果你持续背负着过去,你将无法 empower yourself to move forward, and you won't be able to truly get to know the new you. Consequently, your challenges will persist. To transcend yourself, you must rise above your current state, which requires enhancing your awareness and strength. By returning to the present, issues will dissipate naturally. This means you still need to address problems, but you won't perceive them as such, achieving a state of transcendence. Regularly being mindful of your state will sever your ties with the past, removing the material for regret and allowing ease and contentment to arise from within. In this way, you will naturally surpass your current self.
2. Engage in dialogue with your traumas and ask for your subconscious mind's cooperation to retrieve emotions. This is a response to trauma, and you can attempt to transform it by communicating with your subconscious layer by layer, tackling one memory at a time. Find a tranquil location and recall the worst moment from a specific event. As you visualize, hear, and feel the scene, and the intense negative emotions surge within you, imagine leaving the emotional self behind. Step back about two meters and visualize seeing an emotional self standing there. You can say to this figure, "Thank you for the reminder. You are responsible for emotions, while I am in charge of reasoning. When you retrieve those emotions, I will come up with a better solution. I have received your warning, and I will certainly find a way. I need your cooperation; is that okay?" In most cases, your subconscious will agree to cooperate and retrieve the emotions. You'll see the "emotional self" nod, smile, or say "okay." Thank them and feel the remaining emotions in your heart. Take another step back. Visualize that the emotions do not follow you but remain where you were standing. Now, you can vaguely see the shape and volume of the emotions. Imagine a button nearby and press it, causing the emotions to suddenly disperse into countless particles that return to the "emotional self." After they return, ask yourself: How much emotion remains? If it's completely gone or reduced, and you feel calm and relaxed, you can end this session.


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  • 18630459145怎么才能放下过去重新开始
    卞骅蒋1. 持续观察自己的内心状态,你将逐渐与过去断开联系。后悔是过去的产物,每次回忆都可能带出遗憾。紧握过去不放,往往是因为它在你心中留下了深刻的印记,影响至今。但唯有放下过去,你才能获得力量,突破自我,遇见全新的自己。提升自我意识和力量,回归当下,问题将自然消解,你将不再被它们所困扰,...

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  • 18630459145怎么样才能放下过去重新开始?
    卞骅蒋1. 持续观察自己的内心状态,你将逐渐与过去断开联系。后悔是过去的产物,每当回忆涌上心头,遗憾的故事便随之而来。你难以释怀过去,是因为它在你心中留下了深刻的印记,其力量甚至影响到了你的现在。然而,如果你持续背负着过去,你将无法 empower yourself to move forward, and you won't be able ...

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