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Hosting speech for Children's Day of June.1 for 2013
Host:Dear father and mother and grandfather and grandmother
Hostess :Dear teacher, aunt
Good morning /good afternoon / good evening
Host: May of tall grass and flying nighinggales is going to pass by . Frey-red June is close at hand
Hostess: International Children's Day of June.1 we are eagerly looking forward to is going to come
Hostess: In the days that are filled with joys ,Let us wish jointly the children around the world
Combination: Happy Festival to you all
Host: Childhood is nursery thyme of joys
Hostness: Childhood is fresh and vivid flowers
Host: Childhood is the newly-risen sun
Hostess: Childhood is fearless struggle
Host: our festival comes in great expectation
Hostess: In expectation, Horn of festival blows loundly
host: In order to celebrate jubilantly the International Children's Day for this year ,Little friends at every class has made elaborate preparation and rehear many programmes under the directions of the teachers.
Hostess:Now, Let's sing together with lound voice and exhibit our bright-colored and elegant demeanour with lively meody
Host: Today, Let's be indulged in dancing together ! let's exhibit the artistic cultivation of numerous students with beautiful and graceful dancing gesture.

1, the big
2 student teams chorus beloved teacher, teachers love students, because there is love there is below the world spark please enjoy the dance from boarding kindergarten "spark" please small class 2 and happy together ready.
3 birds are singing, the butterflies, insects in the play, even the beautiful spring girl also laicourenao, please everybody applause welcome little kids bring butterfly.
4 "grateful heart" male: deciduous circled in the air, write a song of Thanksgiving movement, female: it is a tree on the earth nourished it thanksgiving; male: white clouds floating in the blue sky, painted a picture of touching the screen, female: that is feeding on the white clouds blue sky thanksgiving. Man: because Thanksgiving will have a colorful world, female: because Thanksgiving will have a sincere friendship, male: Thanksgiving because it let us know the true meaning of life. Woman: please enjoy the sign language "grateful heart".

7尽管,我们只是一棵幼苗,但我们骄傲地生活在父母的怀抱。尽管我们只是一颗小星星,但我们幸福地闪亮在老师的身边。我们同样有白天的梦想,下面请欣赏英文朗诵《Twinkle twinkle little star》一闪一闪亮晶晶
9 你最喜欢什么动物呀?我最喜欢小猪了,它们胖嘟嘟的,可爱极了!快看,来了一群活泼可爱的小猪。请欣赏小一班班带来的《快乐小猪》
5 Best
6 soldiers, dolls, ambition, and the proudest father and mother; fearing neither hardship nor tired, to serve the Zu Guoli credit. Here are the soldiers dolls please classes of dance has brought us "soldier doll"
7 Although we are just a seedling, but we are proud to live in the arms of their parents. Although we are just a little star, but we are happy shiny side of the teacher. We also have a dream during the day, please enjoy the following English Speech "Twinkle twinkle little star" Twinkle
8 songs Yakitori
9 Your favorite animal anything? My favorite pig, chubby, cute! Quick look, to a group of lovely pig. Please enjoy the small chugs brought "happy pig"
10 dog obediently smart, lively and lovely, how happy with me, please enjoy in the second class children dance performances puppy and I sing "


Child soldiers, ambition, mom and dad are most proud of; not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, to serve the motherland merit. Please have the following two classes of child soldiers who brought us the wonderful dance "child soldiers" although, we are only a seedling, but we are proud to live in their parents arms. Although we are just a little star, but we are happy to shine in the teacher's side. We also have the day dream, please enjoy the English reading "Twinkle twinkle little star" Twinkle Twinkle Little Star songs Yakitori what animal do you like best? I like pigs, they are fat, very cute! Look, a group of lively and lovely piggy. Please enjoy the first class brought about by the "happy" puppy smart, lively and lovely, and I am so happy, please enjoy the two class children's dance "the dog and I to sing."



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