
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

I‘ve tried desperately to explain to my students(我已经几近绝望的尝试着去告诉我的学生) that the image they have of me as an enthusiastic devotee of books and homework during my adolescence (他们所看到的那个在大好青春年华,为书本和家庭作业无怨无悔奉献热情的我的画面,)was a bit out of focus(实际上有些偏离真相).

On the contrary,(恰恰相反)I hated compulsory education with a passion.(我相当愤恨义务教育)I could never quite accept the notion of having to go to school(我从未百分百赞同必须上学的思想) while the fish were biting.(哪怕是有鱼上钩,我有所收获之时)





1.满意是标准 Satisfaction is the standard
2.标准 standard
3.依法中高效 Legal yet efficient / efficiency in legality
4.高效 (highly) efficient / (high) efficiency
5.严谨中温情 Prudent yet tender / Tenderness in prudency
6.温情 tender / tenderness
7.感动是追求 Heart-touching is the pursuit
8.追求 pursuit
9.用不变的标准竭诚服务 To serve sincerely with unchanged standards
10.开启高效工作的征程 To embark on the journey of working with high-efficiency
11.尊重审批的权利 To respect the right of examination and approval
12.尊重市民的权利 To respect the right of the citizens
13.取势~借力 To adopt the momentum - borrow the strength
14.聚势~合力 To gather the momentum - combine the strength
15.乘势~发力 To seize the momentum - unleash the strength

1.网上冲浪:surf the internet
2.在我的空闲时间:in my free time
3.黑便士:black penny
6.打羽毛球:play badminton

1.what a mess:真乱
2.come over:过来
3.collect stamps:集邮
4.hold on:坚持住

come over 从远方(或克服障碍后)过来/顺便来访/抓住
collect stamps 收集邮票
hold on 继续;坚持;保持
黑便士 Penny Black
冰箱 Refrigerator
盐 Salt
打羽毛球 Playing badminton

毕竟我的英语也有限 不好意思

1,网上冲浪 suffe in internet
2,在我的空闲时间 in my spare time
4,冰箱 bridge
5,盐 salt
6,打羽毛球 play badminten
1,what a mess. 好乱啊
2,come over 走过
3,collect stamps 收集邮票
4,hold on 坚持

1 Surfing the Internet
2 In my spare time
3 Penny Black
4 Refrigerator
5 Salt
6 Playing badminton
1 混乱、一团糟
2 过来
3 收集邮票
4 坚持

网上冲浪 surf the Internet
冰箱 fridge
打羽毛球 play tennis
盐 salt


我只上初2 能力有限


  • 17358062399英语高手来翻译,高分悬赏
    舒委瑾1.网上冲浪:surf the internet 2.在我的空闲时间:in my free time 3.黑便士:black penny 4.冰箱:fridge 5.盐:salt 6.打羽毛球:play badminton 英汉互译:1.what a mess:真乱 2.come over:过来 3.collect stamps:集邮 4.hold on:坚持住 ...

  • 17358062399英语高手来吖。帮忙翻译。高分悬赏
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  • 17358062399高分悬赏,请高手帮忙翻译成英语,要求准确,急急!
    舒委瑾1.咱俩谁跟谁啊 Not a big deal,we're friends.2.怎么是你,怎么老是你?You! You again!3.你不鸟我,我也不鸟你 If you ignore me, I will do that to you too.4.你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上 How dare you! I have to teach you a lesson. Fellows, attack ...

  • 17358062399高分悬赏,求英语高手翻译
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  • 17358062399高分悬赏翻译,求英语高手
    舒委瑾1.满意是标准 Satisfaction is the standard 2.标准 standard 3.依法中高效 Legal yet efficient \/ efficiency in legality 4.高效 (highly) efficient \/ (high) efficiency 5.严谨中温情 Prudent yet tender \/ Tenderness in prudency 6.温情 tender \/ tenderness 7.感动是追求 ...

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    舒委瑾Shortcoming: 1) will clone reduces the hereditary change, will produce the individual through the clone to have the similar heredity gene, the similar disease sensitivity, one kind of disease might destroy entire the community which will produce by the clone. May conceive, if a ...

  • 17358062399翻译英语,高分悬赏
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    舒委瑾I have a lot of pencil cases, it can be loaded a lot of things. It can also be hung on the bag on. It looks very beautiful. I like it!翻译:我的铅笔盒 我有一个可爱的铅笔盒。它是一只小兔子形状的铅笔盒。铅笔盒里面有2支铅笔,1个橡皮擦,一把卷尺,一个削笔刀,一个小...

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