
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Network time's oncoming, Chinese Internet user's explosion, the web cam age presents the low age tendency, the young people as a result of own physiological psychology characteristic, very easy to wallow in the network, presents the network to become addicted to the question, the serious influence young people's physical and moral integrity, does not favor the young people correct world outlook, the outlook on life, the values formation. This article probes the reason which the young people network becomes addicted to, thought that the family, the school, the society should transform the education idea, adopts unblocking the ways and means that understood that young people's psychological characteristic and the demand, strengthen under the new situation to young people's network education, strengthens prevention which becomes addicted to the network, educates the young people to understand and the use network correctly, builds the healthy civilized in the entire society the network environment. Must solve the young people net addiction problem is the young people, the family, the school, the society “the quaternity” the linkage, the guardian, the teacher and the community must transform the educational mode, strengthens becomes addicted to young people's psychological counselling to the network, establishes the perfect treatment organization, coordinates to solve the young people network in every way to become addicted to the question together.

1、执行院长Executive director
2、副院长vice President
3、办公室主任director of the office
4、计财处处长Plan wealth everywhere long
5、人事处处长the personnel director
6、学生处处长Director of Students' Affairs Division
7、教务处处长academic administration
8、资产设备管理处处长assets equipment management director
9、后勤管理处处长logistics management office director
10、招生就业处处长 recruit students employment director
11、计财处financial department
12、人事处personnel division
13、学生处Students' Affairs Division
14、教务处academic administration
15、资产设备管理处assets equipment management office
16、招生就业处Recruit students employment
17、后勤管理处logistics management office
18、对外交流与合作处foreign exchange and cooperation place
19、就业指导中心employment guidance center

Not a big deal,we're friends.

You! You again!

If you ignore me, I will do that to you too.

How dare you! I have to teach you a lesson. Fellows, attack together!

Please be straightward.

Right back at you或者the same to you

Hold it! 或者Freeze!

Be honest. Don't pretend to know the answer when you don't.


(可以译成有其父必有其子)Like father, like son.

a flaw in an otherwise perfect thing

brimming with joy

Don't miss such a good opportunity.

I have nothing but a life to spare only!

17.我叫李老大,今年25 I
am Master Li. I am 25.

Your are really something!

You'd better disappear from the earth!!!

We're often fall out because you always make me look bad.

dubious或者shady character

a large crowd

I haven't seen you for ages.

power cord

play fast and loose

I have nothing but a life to spare only!

money or life?

son of a gun


chance the ducks

display one's slight skill before an ecpert.

teach fish to swim

Not at all,mate.

Do Better Every Day.

How would I know?

I will teach you a lesson.

1. Who'll Who ah
2. How are you, how do you keep?
3. I am a bird you do not, I do not bird you
4, you feel, I want to look at your color, the brothers, along with the
5. Played something, no matter Tuichao
6. Bicibici
7. You gave me to stop
8. To know know, I do not know as I do not know
9. Cousin
10. Health and Long-long, Feng Feng-sheng, the son of a rat holes will be
11. Fly in the ointment
13. Xinhuanufang
14. Passing through
16. No money, one fatal
17. I am old Jiao Li, 25 this year
18. Youliangxiazi you
19. How far, how far to die
20. Face to you, you have no sense of shame and disgrace to you, I turn
21. Shady
22. Packed
23. Long time no see
24. Power Line
25. Zhaosanmusi
26. Do not give money, one fatal
27. For money or to death
28. Son of a bitch
29. 13:00
31. Shuada Dao Guan Gong in front of
32. Vegas
33. Let's brother who is going ah
34. Learn every day
35. You ask me, I ask
36. I would also like to point you to see colors
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感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 1. Who'll Who ah <br> 2. How are you, how do you keep? <br> 3. I am a bird you do not, I do not bird you <br> 4, you feel, I want to look at your color, the brothers, along with the <br> 5. Played something, no matter Tuichao <br> 6. Bicibici <br> 7. You gave me to stop <br> 8. To know know, I do not know as I do not know <br> 9. Cousin <br> 10. Health and Long-long, Feng Feng-sheng, the son of a rat holes will be <br> 11. Fly in the ointment <br> 13. Xinhuanufang <br> 14. Passing through <br> 16. No money, one fatal <br> 17. I am old Jiao Li, 25 this year <br> 18. Youliangxiazi you <br> 19. How far, how far to die <br> 20. Face to you, you have no sense of shame and disgrace to you, I turn <br> 21. Shady <br> 22. Packed <br> 23. Long time no see <br> 24. Power Line <br> 25. Zhaosanmusi <br> 26. Do not give money, one fatal <br> 27. For money or to death <br> 28. Son of a bitch <br> 29. 13:00 <br> 30.不管三七二十一 <br> 31. Shuada Dao Guan Gong in front of <br> 32. Vegas <br> 33. Let's brother who is going ah <br> 34. Learn every day <br> 35. You ask me, I ask <br> 36. I would also like to point you to see colors

1. Who'll Who ah

2. How are you, how do you keep?

3. I am a bird you do not, I do not bird you

4, you feel, I want to look at your color, the brothers, along with the

5. Played something, no matter Tuichao

6. Bicibici

7. You gave me to stop

8. To know know, I do not know as I do not know

9. Cousin

10. Health and Long-long, Feng Feng-sheng, the son of a rat holes will be

11. Fly in the ointment

13. Xinhuanufang

14. Passing through

16. No money, one fatal

17. I am old Jiao Li, 25 this year

18. Youliangxiazi you

19. How far, how far to die

20. Face to you, you have no sense of shame and disgrace to you, I turn

21. Shady

22. Packed

23. Long time no see

24. Power Line

25. Zhaosanmusi

26. Do not give money, one fatal

27. For money or to death

28. Son of a bitch

29. 13:00


31. Shuada Dao Guan Gong in front of

32. Vegas

33. Let's brother who is going ah

34. Learn every day

35. You ask me, I ask

36. I would also like to point you to see colors

how are you
how old are you





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