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10句翻译句子 急 在线等~


1. We are looking forward to this visit all the time.

2. I don't think it is likely to rain today.

3. Please remind Mary to return home early.

4. This experiment cost her a lot of time and money.

5. I find/found it difficult/hard for my grandmother/grandma to bring my up.

6. 地震给人们带来了巨大的困难,但是他们对客服它们(即困难)很有信心。

7. 我是在上次我们共进晚餐的地方碰见他的。

8. 随着世界经济的巨大增长,能源问题成为了最重要的问题。

9. 威廉一家决定在乡下定居下来,因为他们想过一个平静的生活。

10. 那些有意参加竞赛的人,可以在这里报名。


b. 我花了很多钱,但我不后悔(用了)一年时间环游世界。
a. 记得把那些门向外打开,方便残疾人通行。(可能是填left这个词)
b. 我记得离开时把机器的按钮按到了开的位置,但现在按钮在关的位置。(可能是填press)
a. 孩子们看到妈妈带着一缸金鱼进来时都停止了(哭泣)。
c. 在爬下地下室的楼梯前,他停下来(打开)手电。
a. 我一个星期都在给他打电话希望能(联系到)他,但他一直不在。
b. 你试过(海上航行)吗?它很刺激。

He speaks French terribly well.
2.我们的学校生活 活泼和令人愉快.
Our school life is lively and pleasant.
There's someone knocking at the door.
Autumn coming, the leaves began to fall off.
He can hear nothing for he is deaf.
They take an active part in school activities.
He doesn't mind taking care of these old men.
I find studying is a pleasant thing .
If he invited me, I'm going to join the party.
How fast does your father usually drive the car?

He speaks French terribly.


There's someone knocking the door.

The leaves start to fall when the autumn coming.


I'll go to the party if he invite me.

How quick does your father drive?


1.He speaks very good French (terribly)
2. Our school life is lively and happy.

1. He speaks French terribly good (terribly good 意思就是非常好)
2. Our school life is colourful and pleasant(活泼应该是colourful吧 要不然就是lively 请自己选)
3. Some people are knocking at the door.(正在进行时)
4.The leaves began to fall when the autumn come .(when 引导的条件状语从句)
5. He can't hear anything that he is deaf.(that 引导的条件状语从句 改为陈述语序为 he can't hear anything because he is deaf)
6. They take an active part in school activities.(take an active part in—积极参加)
7. He doesn't mind taking care of these old man.
8.I found that learning is a pleasant thing
9. If he invited me, I'll go to the party.
10. How fast that your father usually drive?


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