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The student student id: 123456, in September 2007 in entrance, now enrolled in our business college financial professional, four years of schooling, full-time undergraduate students at school, hereby proof!

1.My sister was brought up in the village.
2.The hospital was founded in 1950.这里不能用built,不是房子的建起而是某个机关单位的建立.
3.He broke the traffic rules because of too fast driving.

my sister was grown up in the country.
this hosiptal was built in 1950

My sister lived in the country. This history set up in 1950.
He broke the traffic rules because he drove too fast

my younger sister grown up in rural area.
this hosiptal was built in 1950
he broke the traffic rules for exceeding

My sister grew up in the country.
This hospital was established in 1950.
He broke the traffic rules for speeding.


My sister grew up in the countryside

This hospital was built in 1950

He drove so fast ,that he broke traffic rules(这句翻译比较灵活)


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