
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Why do you want to quit your job?
I lost the chance to get promoted.
cheer up!don't lose heart! I'm sure you'll succeed

O : Anna, I'm really really sorry I'm so late!
A : Why are you so late? I was worried that maybe you'd had(have) an(a) problem.
O : Sorry to worry you, but my dog was sick yesterday(yesterday all day long ).
A : Oh.
O : I'm took her to a hospital, since she looked so sick(去掉so). but her condition was never the(去掉the,加上to be) better. So I have(had) to take care of her all night.
A : Oh my... that's too bad. What happened to her? Is she OK now?
O : she had a problem with intestine, but fortunately she get(gets) better today.
A : I'm so glad to hear that.
O : Thanks you. and... whatever the reason, I'm sorry to have you kept(keep) waiting (加个so增强语气)long. Let me buy you lunch.
A : No, you don't need to do that. I understand.
O : Come on. It's the least I can do.
A : Oh well, if you insist. Anyway you said you want to buy a suit and some stuff. right?
O : Yeah right.
A : Then, how about going to the Gang nam(Nam) station. There are lots of shops and department stores.
O : that's(That's) good idea. let's go!
A : Oh.. I don't know how to get there from here. Owen do you know the best way to get there?
O : I think we'd better take the subway to Gang nam.
A : um.. subway? What about the bus?
O : We can take a bus, too. But if we take the bus, we'll get stuck in the heavy traffic. Taking a(the) subway is better for avoiding that.
A : Oh, OK. I don't want to waste time on the road. How long does it take to get there by subway?
O : I'm not sure... um... about forty minutes... it won’t take long.
A : That's not so bad.
O : Come on, let’s go to the subway station.
O : Anna, Do you know the professor Kim?
A : Yes, I know him. Why?
O : He is the host of the party that I'll go next week.
A : Oh, really?
O : Yeah, that's why I ask you to go to shopping today, To buy a suit for party.
A : I see. Everybody else will be dressed up(加个in).
O : Yes, right. And I need your advice. Do you think I should take something for the professor?
A : Yeah, you definitely should. It's the professors(professor's) party! you have to do that.
O: OK. Then what kind of present would be fine. Would it be OK to buy a tie for him?
A : Um... Maybe, Ah! How about flower pot? I've heard that he really like take good care of plants.
O : Oh, does he? That's (加个a)good idea.
A : Like professor, I have a lot of interest in plants. So I can help you to buy a plants(plant).
O : Thank you so much. I really don't know about the (去the)flower and trees(the). It'll be a big help for me.
A : It is my pleasure to help you. In the Gang-nam station, flower shops are numerous. It'll be easy to find the good plants.
O : That's great. Here comes the subway down for Gang nam. Let's take it

-----你好,最近怎么 样?
Hi, how have you been?(What's going on ? what's new?)
Not bad, you don't' look very well ?
Yes, I have been rather confused with graduate English 。As you see my English is that poor.
There are many of the unreasonable teaching methods responsibe for it . The teachers should consider the teaching methods which all based on specific circumstances.
Absolutly! Moreover, except for the purpose of mastering some common English, teachers should also pay more attention to the students' major .
Ah, Saying is easier than doing.
So,what we can do just complaining . Well, I have to run , see you !
See you !

-----你好,最近怎么 样?
Hello, how are you?
Well, you look in a bad 【mood】?
Yes, I 【am】 very distressed for English Course for Posgraduates。You know 【I am very poor in English.】
I think 【there are some problems with English teaching for graduate students.】The teachers 【should teach their students in accordance with their aptitudes】【and educate】 different students with different teaching methods.
I think so, too. Moreover, I feel 【after mastering some frequently-used English, students should be taught something specifically according to their majors.】
Ah, it's 【easier said than done.】
【That's it. We are just complaining . Well, I am afraid I have to go now .See you ,then.】
【See you. 】

我对于研究生英语很苦恼 I feel distressed for my graduate English .
I think English teaching graduate students have many unreasonable places.改为I think graduate English teaching methods have many unreasonable places.
The teacher should based on the principle that different students with different teaching methods,it's means "in accordance with their aptitude."
The teacher should use specific teaching according to the students' professional,with the exception of mastering some commonly used English using。


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