
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

l. It was too late to save the drowned boy because he had gone down for the third time.

2' I can't help thinking that it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them.

3' John said that his mother would bought him a five-speed racing bicycle for his sixteen's birthday.

4' By reading the directions carefully, some mistakes in
the examination could be avoided.

5' Of the two lectures, the first was by far the better one,
partly because the person who gave it had such a pleased voice.

6. The chairman proposed that every speaker must limit himself in fifteen minutes.
7. What troubles me is that I don't have much experience

in international commerce.

8. When I got to the cinema, the film had already started; I ought to have got there earlier.

9. After criticizing our proposal in every detail, the director went on to tell us that there was nothing personal in his comments.

10. Johnie was not barely able to walk without helping because of the bad injury in his left leg.
who were fortu11ate --------l9 to meet her -------20 her lifetime.




Test 5:
第一行中-----Choose 是动词,应该用副词来修饰,所以应该是firstly。还有,those是修饰性的代词,不能直接这样用,把它改成the people 吧。
第三行中----那个A君说的话里面,know的意思是“了解”,而不仅仅是“知道”。所以这句话最好改成:Maybe you can give me a answer.
第四行中----B君说的话里,你是想表达“高度评价”或者谦虚的回答“您谬赞了”的意思么?如果是的话,应该用这个短语:speek highly of sb. 或是think highly of sb.此外,这行的末尾用的是“questions”,前面A君说的是“a question”,所以后面应该改成单数,因为已经有了your来修饰question了,所以不必加上a,直接去掉原文中的s即可。
接着是第七行中----B君的回答里,That is for sure.我没见过这样的表达方式,抱歉我目前没办法很好的跟你解释清楚,但我敢肯定这是错了的。如果是在写作中,你可以写成“It's no dout that ....”省略号部分写入你后面要表达的观点就行了。Person是可数名词,而且前面用了such,所以talented前应该加上一个a。还有,“对我而言”应该是“for me”而不是“to me”。
For the professional master的后面应该加上你想表达的成分,否则 is the cornerstone of就缺少主语,成了the master是cornerstone。 “the development of the company forward;”应该改为“developing”,没有原文中的那种表达方式。


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