
来自:影评    更新日期:早些时候

City pipe system and its reform
City pipe system China's traditional planned economy to a socialist market economy in the process of a product in a particular historical period, plays a certain positive effects, as China's political, economic and social reform and development, has emerged City pipe system obvious disadvantages. At present, many parts of the reform of China's successful experience in practice shows that the actual combination of the local socio-economic development, the establishment of provincial cities and counties control system, through the County to expand its powers, the way cities and counties under divided rule, and gradually virtual control of the city of the county, is to promote economic development and deepening the reform of local administration of important trends.
This article intends to discuss the source City pipe system, historical role and the drawbacks of starting some of China's provinces by the provincial case-control analysis of the reform of the county to sum up the experience, and explore feasible ways to reform.

【On the Suzhou Tourism ProductDevelopment Management】
In Suzhou, the prospect of major tourism development in the face of the tourist market demand and dissatisfaction with the development of tourism products in Suzhou to explore the advantages and disadvantages of effective measures for the tourism products in Suzhou integration and structural optimization to enhance the image of tourism in Suzhou, In order to enhance the attraction of Suzhou, a tourist destination and make the necessary product development, innovation, and eliminate the drawbacks of the old system, forming a coordinated development of the tourism market, rather than forming a patchwork of low-grade product mix, strong tourism for the city of Suzhou to build a solid building the basis of the core.

Title: on teacher's personality charm and teaching style: teacher's education in the main targets are children and teenagers students, teachers do and say, every move, the eyes of the student intake, printing in the student heart, it's going to affect students' personality is formed. As the teacher education workers is not just with you in knowledge, more important is to use their own character teaching people, with their own soul to "teach" character, that "are exposed to", "coming softly" education effect than the powers of teachers often urged much better. The teaching style and the character of a person with a lot of relevance. So, want to become a teacher, must constantly improve their personality accomplishment, the higher the cultivation of personality, the greater the charm, teaching style is more bright. Style and his personality, that will be consistent formed complementary, will bring out the best in each other, and you will be the teaching and life, teaching that life up financing.

Title: on teacher's personality charm and teaching style
Abstract: the teacher education object basically is the children's and young students, teachers do and say, every move, the eyes of the student intake, printing in the student heart, it's going to affect students' personality is formed. As the teacher education workers is not just with you in knowledge, more important is to use their own character teaching people, with their own soul to "teach" character, that "are exposed to", "coming softly" education effect than the powers of teachers often urged much better.
The teaching style and the character of a person with a lot of relevance. So, want to become a teacher, must constantly improve their personality accomplishment, the higher the cultivation of personality, the greater the charm, teaching style is ?


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