
来自:听道    更新日期:早些时候

The establishment of consumer incentive system
Standings in the software offers two consumer incentive system
1. Customer consumption, according to certain rules to certain points, points can be certain rules allow customers to enjoy a "good feeling"
2. When a customer introduced clients to the consumer, to a certain percentage of the commission, the commission can allow customers to enjoy some real "cash equivalent"

Integral, according to the following way to set up small projects to give an integral, large projects for three points each to buy a given item two points, total points to 50 points, reward the Cubs a lovely toys, and the cumulative points to 100 points, enjoy a dyed hair, etc., in your side the points he惦记always the small things, perhaps because in order to Cou over 50 minutes to more than several times. Not the same experience is different from you and the shop next to the Place.

Commission system, a friend introduced incentives to customers, the Amway model, I believe that network has boundless power

If there is a repeat customers can award employees, the employees have been complaints to the appropriate punishment

Manager: responsible for the overall management work.
Hairdresser: responsible for the service to provide customers with the hairdressing professionals.
Manager post duties
Terms of reference:
(1) timely layout of the tasks and targets and coordinating all matters within the store and found hidden dangers timely processing of the problem.
(2) verification of statements every day work situation.
(3) supervision of the shop to complete their work within.
(4) organizations to implement all aspects of the operation work.
(5) responsible for handling customer complaints and outreach issues.
(6) of overall sales, publicity, tracking market dynamics (professional attention to the message and receive feedback).
(7) concerned about the staff, mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff work.
(8) to follow up yesterday's customer feedback, statistics of customers.
(9) the convening of regular meetings of the Organization.

Hair stylist positions of responsibility
(1) to comply with the store management rules and regulations to help managers and technical director, to jointly safeguard the image store.
(2) to continually improve their own skills, and accept the OUR for the standardization of training, building customer networks, sales plans mandate.
(3) sincere, patient, conscientious and dedicated to expect perfect service attitude of every customer. As required under the contract system in principle, the services of their customers, to track consumer.
(4) in strict accordance with the hair stylist's hospitality operations processes, and their assistants to meet the two-phase implementation and supervision to know.

摘要 Abstract

With the development of market economy, the status of trade secrets has become increasingly important in the competitions among corporations. The value and superior status that come with trade secrets can help corporations to score success in this keen market competitions and create more profits. Subsequently, there is a percentage increase of trade secret cases in lawsuits.

There are problems in trialing trade secret cases due to their complexities and originalities; and it is a complicated and difficult process, yet very necessary for the court to come to a decision in cases of infringement (tort) of trade secrets. In the system of judicial protection for trade secrets in our country, there are certain deficiencies like the confusion in concepts relating to trade secrets, the misinterpretations of legal norm and adjustment scope, the lack of operation standards, etc.

Therefore, we summarize ways to identify the acts of trade secret infringements by analyzing the components of trade secrets, the patterns of behavior and the principal subject of trade secret infringements. We also offer suggestions to the perfecting of judicial protection system for trade secrets in our country.

Key words: Trade secrets, identification of tort ( infringement of rights ), components, judicial protection.

The expense incentive system set up to provide two kind of expense incentive system 1 in the Boka software. The customer expends, gives certain integral according to certain rule, the integral may let the customer according to certain rule certainly enjoy to " feels " 2 good. When the customer introduced the customer expends, gives certain ratio the commission, this commission may let the customer certainly enjoy actual " the equal cash " the integral, may set up according to the following appearance, the small project gives 1 integral, the big project gives 3 integrals, buys goods to give 2 integrals every time, the accumulation integral to 50 points, rewards a lovable young Xiong toy, the accumulation integral to 100 points, enjoys a dyeing one's hair, and so on. Customer little thing which keeps thinking about in you that side integral always him, because perhaps to collect the full 50 points to come several times. The dissimilar experience is you and side the shop difference place. the commission system, the reward is willing to introduce that friend's customer, Ainley's pattern, believed the network the strength is infinite also has is if has repeat customer's staff to be possible to praise, but suffers the staff who the human sues suitably to carry on punishes the shopkeeper: Is responsible for the comprehensive management and operation work. hair stylist: Is responsible for specialists who provides for the customer styles hair the service. shopkeeper post work responsibility scope of official duty: (1) arranges each work mission and the target promptly, coordinated shop front interior all business, find the problem hidden danger stitch in time. (2) investigation every day statement of work situation. in the (3) supervision shop the personnel complete the duty-bound work. the (4) organization operation carries out various links' work. (5) is responsible to process the customer suit and outside the joint matters concerned. the (6) establishment overall sale, the propaganda plan, track the market dynamic (attention specialized news receive and feedback). the (7) care staff, transfers the staff to work the enthusiasm. (8) followed up the customer to feed back, to count the customer quantity yesterday. the (9) organization regular meeting convenes. hairstylist post work responsibility (1) observes in the shop each administrative code system, assists the shopkeeper and the Chief Technology Officer, defends the shop front image together. (2) must raise own technical level unceasingly, and has standardized training which the head store carries on, constructs the customer network, completes the sales program task. (3) sincere, patient, earnest, makes excessive demands the perfect professional manner to serve each customer. According to the request basis contracting system principle, to own has served the customer, carries on the track expense. (4) entertains a guest strictly according to the hairstylist the flow work, to the assistant who coordinates with must know and implement the double-phase surveillance. the translation good will supplement the score extremely to thank

The establishment of consumer incentive system
Standings in the software offers two consumer incentive system
1. Customer consumption, according to certain rules to certain points, points can be certain rules allow customers to enjoy a "good feeling"
2. When a customer introduced clients to the consumer, to a certain percentage of the commission, the commission can allow customers to enjoy some real "cash equivalent"

Integral, according to the following way to set up small projects to give an integral, large projects for three points each to buy a given item two points, total points to 50 points, reward the Cubs a lovely toys, and the cumulative points to 100 points, enjoy a dyed hair, etc., in your side the points he惦记always the small things, perhaps because in order to Cou over 50 minutes to more than several times. Not the same experience is different from you and the shop next to the Place.

Commission system, a friend introduced incentives to customers, the Amway model, I believe that network has boundless power

If there is a repeat customers can award employees, the employees have been complaints to the appropriate punishment

Manager: responsible for the overall management work.
Hairdresser: responsible for the service to provide customers with the hairdressing professionals.
Manager post duties
Terms of reference:
(1) timely layout of the tasks and targets and coordinating all matters within the store and found hidden dangers timely processing of the problem.
(2) verification of statements every day work situation.
(3) supervision of the shop to complete their work within.
(4) organizations to implement all aspects of the operation work.
(5) responsible for handling customer complaints and outreach issues.
(6) of overall sales, publicity, tracking market dynamics (professional attention to the message and receive feedback).
(7) concerned about the staff, mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff work.
(8) to follow up yesterday's customer feedback, statistics of customers.
(9) the convening of regular meetings of the Organization.

Hair stylist positions of responsibility
(1) to comply with the store management rules and regulations to help managers and technical director, to jointly safeguard the image store.
(2) to continually improve their own skills, and accept the OUR for the standardization of training, building customer networks, sales plans mandate.
(3) sincere, patient, conscientious and dedicated to expect perfect service attitude of every customer. As required under the contract system in principle, the services of their customers, to track consumer.
(4) in strict accordance with the hair stylist's hospitality operations processes, and their assistants to meet the two-phase implementation and supervision to know.


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