
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1、眼见为实 seeing is believing.
2、人生苦短,学艺无穷 art is long, life is short.
3、三思而后行 look before you leap
4、有其父必有其子 like father, like son.
5、再晚也不迟 better later than never.
6、条条大路通罗马 all roads leads to Rome.
7、并非闪光的都是金子 all that glitters is not gold.
8、种瓜得瓜种豆得豆 as you sow, so shall you reap.
9、物以类聚 birds of a feather flock together.
10、不劳无获 no pains no gains.
11、入乡随俗 when in Rome, do as Romans do.
12、那恰是我所喜欢的 it's my cup of tea.
13、一日一苹果,医生远离我 an apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
14、患难见真情 a friends in need is a friend indeed.
15、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 a young idler, an old beggar
16、熟能生巧 practice makes perfect.
17、一分耕耘一分收获 no sweet without sweat.
18、时间就是金钱 time is money.
19、欲速则不达 haste makes waste.
20、说起来容易做起来难 easier said than done.
21、人各有所好 every man has his taste.
22、物极必反 extremes meet.
23、活到老学到老 live and learn. ( never too old to learn. )
24、事出必有因 nothing comes of nothing.
25、光荣之路常坎坷 the path to glory is always rugged.
26、失败是成功之母 failure is the mother of success.
27、江山易改本性难移 a leopard cannot change his spots. ( the fox changes his kill but not his habits. )
28、礼尚往来 give and take.

No man is happy but by comparison.

There is no joy without alloy.

Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.

Good order is the foundation of all things.

He that plants trees loves others besides himself.

The world is but a little place, after all.

Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.

Where there is unity, there is victory.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Love is the mother of love.

1.Rain Cats and Dogs 倾盆大雨;大雨磅沱。

They had to put off the picnic because it was raining cats and dogs.


2.In Dog Days 三伏天;酷暑期

I can do nothing but swimming in dog days.


3.A Cat Has Nine Lives 猫有九命;生命力极强的人(英国古老谚语)

The old man has been alive since he caught a bad cancer twenty years ago, as he often says, “I'm a cat with nine lives.”

20 年前得了癌症的老人仍然活得好好的,正如他经常说的:“我的生命力强。”

4.A Dark Horse 黑马;爆冷门

Our girls' football team was a dark horse in the last League Match.


5. Uncle Sam 山姆大叔;美国人 (美国人的绰号)

I said in a low voice, “Uncle Sam will not help me again.”


6.Neither Fish Nor Flesh 不伦不类;非驴非马

I have a toy. It doesn't look like a man or an animal, my friend Jack said, “It's neither fish nor flesh.


7.Time Is Money 一刻千金;一寸光阴一寸金 (出自美国杰出科学家富兰克林)

We should copy those people's examples, because they believe that time is money.


8.John Bulls 英国佬;约翰牛 (英国人的绰号)

My father's new friend is a computer engineer, he is a real John Bulls.


9.Pull the Chestnuts out of the fire. 火中取栗;替别人冒险

The boys were pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the thieves, but they were too young to know it.


10.A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing 披着羊皮的狼;面善心恶的人

I regarded him as my best friend until I realized that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing.


其它还有:Keep up with the Jonesses (赶上时髦,同别人比阔气);Crocodile Tears (鳄鱼泪,假慈悲;假哭); Blue Jeans (蓝布工作服;蓝色牛仔裤);Show One's Cards (摊牌;公开意图;最后决一雌雄);A Honey Time (蜜月;甜蜜时光);Burn One's Boats/Bridges (破釜沉舟;自断后路);Sour Grapes (酸葡萄;可望而不可及的事)。

.Neither Fish Nor Flesh 不伦不类;非驴非马

I have a toy. It doesn't look like a man or an animal, my friend Jack said, “It's neither fish nor flesh.


Time Is Money 一刻千金;一寸光阴一寸金 (出自美国杰出科学家富兰克林)

We should copy those people's examples, because they believe that time is money.


John Bulls 英国佬;约翰牛 (英国人的绰号)

My father's new friend is a computer engineer, he is a real John Bulls.


1.Rain Cats and Dogs 倾盆大雨;大雨磅沱。

They had to put off the picnic because it was raining cats and dogs.


2.In Dog Days 三伏天;酷暑期

I can do nothing but swimming in dog days.


3.A Cat Has Nine Lives 猫有九命;生命力极强的人(英国古老谚语)

The old man has been alive since he caught a bad cancer twenty years ago, as he often says, “I'm a cat with nine lives.”

20 年前得了癌症的老人仍然活得好好的,正如他经常说的:“我的生命力强。”

4.A Dark Horse 黑马;爆冷门

love me ,love my dog.爱屋及乌


every dog has it's time


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