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In 2006 Doha Asian Games, Pan Xiaoting won two bronze medals in the American eight-ball and nine-ball games. But she was not satisfied with the results, saying that 100 bronze medals could not match a gold one and she would fight for the championship four years later. Then In Guangzhou, Pan Xiaoting finally realized her dream. In the nine-ball game of women's final in the Asian Games, she beat her opponent with 7-5, harvesting the first piece gold medal of the Asian Games in Chinese women's nine-ball game .
After the game, Pan Xiaoting told the reporters that in the Asian Games four years ago, she wanted to get this gold medal particularly. But she was too tense to win. She said "Four years later, after the last lesson in Doha, I learned a lot. I told myself not to think about the results, but the process as the latter leads to the former."
Pan Xiaoting thought that the mood of playing in the Asian Games was completely different from that of other games. She had never been more nervous and involved. "I think the Asian Games is an experience that I sometimes feel quite torturing, but fortunately, I can feel more relaxed now. The results in the first two years were far from ideal ones, this game is just the best encouragement for me. I hope I can go further then. "
We can learn a lot from her. Stand up from where you tripped over, which is required as well in our lives, work and study.


transform into 转变为
form an alliance with 与……形成联盟
launch a general strike 掀起大规模罢工
achieve one's aim of 实现某人的某项目标
drop out 退出
bring sb to one's knees 使某人屈服
give rise to 引起、导致
bring about 引起、带来
keep off 避开
in descending order 以降序形式
in/of itself 实质上、本身是/自然地、自行地
sit up 坐直、熬夜
by definition 根据定义
stand for 表示
assert oneself 坚持自己的权威、权利
be associated with 与……相关联
make sense 有道理
emp;oyabitity prospects 就业前景
a means to an end 达到目的的一种手段
gone are the days when... ……的日子一去不复返
have a passion for 对……非常喜爱

transform into 转变成
form an alliance with 与。。。结成战略联盟
launch a general strike 发动一场大罢工
achieve one's aim of 实现某人的目标
drop out 退学
bring sb to one's knees 使某人屈服
give rise to 使发生,使引起
bring about 引起,使掉头
keep off 让开,不接近
in descending order 降序排列
in/of itself 自行,自让而然地,自动
sit up 熬夜,端坐
by definition 按照定义,当然地,明显地
stand for 代表;支持;象征;担任…的候选人
assert oneself 坚持自己的权利或意见
be associated with 和…联系在一起;与……有关,与……有关系
link with 与……有关;与……相连接
make sense 有意义,讲得通,言之有理
emp;oyabitity prospects 就业能力方面
a means to an end 达到目的的办法
gone are the days when... 那些日子已经不复存在了
have a passion for 对…有强烈的爱好

transform into 变成...
form an alliance with 与...联盟
launch a general strike 发动大罢工
achieve one's aim of 达到某人的....目的
drop out 辍学
bring sb to one's knees 将某人带到某人的跟前
give rise to 导致...;引起...
bring about 造成...;引起...
keep off 让开;不接近
in descending order 以递减次序
in/of itself 自行;自然而然
sit up 坐直;端坐
by definition 当然的;明显的
stand for 代表
assert oneself 坚持自己的权利或意见
be associated with 与...联系在一起
make sense 有道理;讲得通
employabitity prospects 就业前景
a means to an end 达到目的的方法
gone are the days when... ....已经不复存在了;...已经一去不复返了
have a passion for 对...有激情;对...有强烈爱好

transform into

form an alliance with

launch a general strike

achieve one's aim of

drop out

bring sb to one's knees

give rise to

bring about

keep off

in descending order

in/of itself

sit up

by definition

stand for

assert oneself

be associated with

make sense

emp;oyabitity prospects

a means to an end

gone are the days when...

have a passion for



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