哪位英语高手可以帮我解答一下下面那句英语。谢谢!“Good morning”

来自:    更新日期:早些时候

1.他阿姨干什么的? 她是一个工程师。
-> What's his aunt? She is an Engineer.

-> Does this waitress work hard every day? Yes, she does.

-> Don't listen to the music while you are doing your homework.

-> Are there any cupboards by the wall?

-> What color are those rabbits? They are grey.

-> How much milk should a child drink every day?

-> Whose is this pair of blue jeans? His cousin's.

-> I don't think there is any problem with these laughters.

-> If we have more spare time, we will help the old people do some cleaning, sing songs for them and tell them some good news.

Constellation of Brutal Degree星座的野蛮程度
1ST: Pisces: kill an average of 30.67%第一:双鱼座:杀死了30.67%的平均
Crime Analysis: Many Pisces are paid when someone else is always repeated bullying endured, but you have one, if he's forced to desperation, he will become very evil!罪案分析:很多双鱼支付时,总是重复别人欺负忍受,但你有一个,如果他被迫无奈之下,他将成为很邪恶! Often in conjunction with one of his murder can be ignored if you are innocent!通常可以忽略与他一起谋杀案之一,如果你是无辜的! Therefore, the fish mustn't be attacked too much, otherwise, eat also will bear gone!所以,鱼不能攻击太多,否则也将承担吃了! This is the largest constellation of criminals at large!这是最大的罪犯逍遥法外星座! Smart fish if used in absolutely terrible evil ah!聪明的鱼,如果在使用绝对可怕的邪恶啊!
Pisces homicide data:双鱼座凶杀数据:
the proportion of homicides: 15%而凶杀案的比例:15%
average number of murderers to kill: 6.32杀人犯杀人数平均:6.32

“早上好”我认为是依照中文习惯的翻译。中英翻译不是字字对应和顺序对应的。Good morning 完整的意思表达的是 I wish you a good morning.我希望你拥有一个美好的早上,形容词good就要名词morning前头了。类似的表达还有 Good afternoon, Good evening, Good luck 等等。

大写的问题,我不太懂,感觉像是一直如此,所以没有多想。可能是当good morning变成一句固定的问候语之后就需要大写了吧。问题是,good morning本身也基本上用在句首,句首单词也是需要大写的。可能就是这样形成了某种习惯吧。英语中跟中文一样,会有一些习惯,没有什么具体的道理,就是习惯如此而已。这些就是记忆的功夫了,记忆的多了,就叫语感了。

这是英语中的固定搭配,而且英语思维和中文思维在很多地方都是有差异的,所以对待英文尤其是短语尽量不要用中国人的思维方式去过于追究。至于G的大写,Good morning是打招呼用语,一般都用于开头,在英文书写格式中句首的英文单词首字母要大写。希望这些会对你有帮助~~

Good morning这句话严格来说不能算是句子,因为他没有谓语动词。这只是个习惯性的问好用语。语言嘛,很多时候都是没有为什么的。那你说中文的早上好,好为什么要放在早晨后面呢?

good 是形容词,放在名字前。


形容词放在前面 句首字母要大写

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