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Oh,chit, 看错了,改成特殊疑问句了,正确答案参照楼下。翻译可以看看我的答案。

Where are you going? 你这是要去哪?
I am going to the supermarket。 我去超市逛逛。

What will you make with your classmates on Sunday? 你星期天去和你同学做什么啊?
I will make model planes with my classmates on Sunday. 做飞机模型。

What are they looking for? 他们在找什么?
They are looking for bag。 他们在找包。

What does she have for lunch today? 她中饭吃什么了?
She has some bread for lunch today 吃了些面包。

Where is your mother now? 你妈妈去哪了?
My mother is in the park now 我妈正在公园溜达呢。

1. Are you going to the supermarket?
-- Yes, I am.
-- No , I'm not.
疑问句: Where are you going?

2. Will you make model planes with my classmates on Sunday?
-- Yes, I will.
-- No , I won't.
疑问句:What will do with your classmates on Sunday?

3. Are they looking for bag ?
-- Yes, they are.
-- No , they aren't.
疑问句:What are they looking for ?

4.Does she have some bread for lunch today ?
-- Yes, she does.
-- No , she doesn't.
疑问句:What does she have for lunch today ?

5. Is your mother in the park now ?
-- Yes, she is.
-- No , she isn't.
疑问句:Where's your mother now ?

Will you to to the supermarket?
Yes, I will. / No, I won't.
Where are you going?
Will you make model planes with your classmates on Sunday?
Yes, I will. / No, I won't.
What will you do with your classmates on Sunday?
Has she have some bread for lunch today?
Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't.
What did she have for lunch today?
Is your mother in the park now?
Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
Where is your mother now?

Are you going to the supermarket?
Will you make model planes with your classmates on Sunday?
Are they looking for a bag?
Does she have some bread for lunch today?
Is your mother in the park now?

①Will you to to the supermarket?你会去超市吗?
Yes, I will. / No, I won't.
Where are you going?你去哪里?
②Will you make model planes with your classmates on Sunday?你星期天会和你同学们做飞机模型?
Yes, I will. / No, I won't.
What will you do with your classmates on Sunday?你星期天去和你同学们做什么?
③Are they looking for (the) bag?他们正在找包吗?
Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
What are they looking for?他们真在找什么?
④Has she have some bread for lunch today?她今天中午吃了些面包吗?

Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't.
What did she have for lunch today?她今天中午吃了什么?
⑤Is your mother in the park now?你妈妈现在在公园吗?
Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
Where is your mother now?你妈妈现在在哪里?


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