
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

我也想问,。。 以上的一段话??O__O"…

1.This phenomenon is getting more and more disconcerting.
2.Y comes along with X without one's(your/people's) notice.
3.This problem has evoked more and more attention over the recent years.
4.People start doubting that theory.如果用看法,必须说明是谁的看法,如his point of view.
5.This is just risky. 意思是:“这没什么好解释的,就是很危险!”,当然这是口语。书面的话,可以用This is extremely risky!
6.Before setting off, let's ... for the last time.
如果临行指的是这俩人要分开了,那么可以用before (my/your)departure,
7.This phenomenon reflets/implies/signals/ ...
8.We had to think it all over again.
9.When it gradually fades away from one's memory...或用进行时也行。
10.The economic crisis influences all industries such as financing, manufacturing, social service, tourism and even education.
11.Before we start noticing that, we...
或者Before we are aware of that, we...
12. Some habbits form without our notice.
13. talking from the bottom of one's heart that....
或 speak whole heartedly

1. obtain energy, gain knowledge, earn money
2. excavate energy sources(其实我认为英语中能源不能用挖掘这个词)
explore one't potential, explore/capture one's subconsciousness
3. disobey the policy, disagree with one's opinion(我只能把你这里的“态度”当成是“看法”,不然英文里哪儿有对抗。。。态度的说法阿)
confront with the theory.
4. use energy, on one's own(自力更生。。), take advantage of sb(利用某人,占某人便宜)


a science using lines to indicate an boject's motion, outline and projection.

Professional animation course(动画专业课)----------动画人物、场景设计,动画基本运动原理
basic principles of the designation of animated characters&scenes and the motion of the pictures

Western history of art(西方美术史)——世界历代美术发展的阶段的阐述
elaborations of every stage of the world's art history

Chinese history of art(中国美术史)——中国历代美术发展的阶段的阐述
elaborations of every stage of Chinese art history

description of the structure of human body, motionless objects and light&shadow effects

Psychology of art(艺术心理学)——研究艺术创作与艺术欣赏过程的心理现象及其规律的心理学分支学科。
a psychological branch subject in research of the psychal reactions during the process of art creation and appreciation

Design of animated scene(场景设计)——动画背景的构图与上色
composition and variegation of the background scenes of animations


Perspective-a science using lines to show the space location, shape and projection of objects.
Professional animation course-animation character,layout design, basic motion principal of animation.
Western history of art-expatiation on development stages of world history art.
Chinese history of art-expatiation on development stages of china history art.
Painting-description on body structure,static object,lighting effct.
Phychology of art-a sub-branch of phychology on studying phychological phenomenon and its regulation of art creation and art appreciation.
Design of animated scene-picture compositon and colouring of animation background.

Perspective can also mean:
We have different perspectives。

Professional animation course.

Western history of Art

Chinese history of Art





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