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很抱歉想再次和您确认一下,因为工厂告诉我这款盒子我们曾做过两种尺寸,一个是4.5cm 一次是5.8cm.所以我想确认一下,这25个盒子我们都要做成4.5cm 的吗?

Sorry, I would like to confirm with you again. As the staff of our factory informs, we have made this style of box in two sizes previously, one is 4.5cm, while the other is 5.8cm, so please confirm whether we should make all these 25 boxes in the size of 4.5cm?
Thanks & Best Regards,



Take the second professional is not for each instrument a undergraduate. My bachelor degree major in English major, a big began to minor in the economics. No doubt, I am the most diligent student in the class. I tried so hard to achieve at the same time two different professional requirements, but there are still not pass the exam time. Because economics need good mathematical foundation, I had to spend a lot of time studying mathematics, and ignore the English learning.
The second term, English literature and macroeconomics two course fail to me was a wake-up call, this is the first time in my life failed in the exam, which greatly hit my self-confidence. Although I am not a easy to bend to fate in the end of the summer vacation, I decided to give up economics, in order to avoid two major difficult to complete. When I need to repair a professional, everything seems to be back to back on the right track.


Take the second professional is not for each instrument a undergraduate
这是什么破翻译啊 谁不会百度 看看那句子正确吗 就会骗分


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