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Exports won't further slow down the growth of economy.

There is only me in my world

There are many complicated channels of children trafficking. And there are many international criminal activities. So it's very tough to fight against this kind of crime. The Cambodian government has cooperated intensively with international organizations in sharing communications to fight against children trafficking crimes and activities, which has seen dramatic results.


not only that channels of trafficking in children is more complicated, but also there are many cross-border criminal activities cause the very great difficulty in anti-trafficking. Government of Cambodia in recent years actively cooperate with the international community together, exchanging information in the fight against trafficking of children, which had a noticeable effect.

The channels of vending children are complex,as transnational crime activities are furious, it is extremely difficult to struggle against them. Recent years, the Combodian government are joining hands with the international communities actively, interfolwing information, cracking down the vending activities together,and the results is obvious.

The channels for Children Trafficking are complicated, and most of them are international criminal activities. It has made more difficult for fighting these crimes. In recent years, Cambodian government has actively cooperated with the international community, sharing informations and fighting Children Traffickings cooperately. And an obvious effect has been achieved.


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  • 15541649411请帮忙翻译成英语,非常感谢!谢谢!
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  • 15541649411请帮我用英语翻译一句话:“谢谢你们,希望我们合作愉快!祝生意兴隆...
    孟秒侦答:Thank you. I hope we can have good cooperation! Wish you every success in business!

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