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My English is just so-so我英语也就马马虎虎的啦。这样说比较地道。
But,warehouse is not useful,don't waste magic beans to build it, only got more 20000 space to store

1.Does his words influence/affect you?
2.Devoloped countries are always intending to interfere with domestic affairs of some developing countries.

1. She finally bought what she needed at a price she could afford after visiting one shop after another.
2. He never talks with me other than asks for something from me.
3. You should always aim at achieving good performance to your work.
4. She has been tied to taking after her father who was ill at home all this week.
5. This road is designed to relieve the crowded traffic.
6. The society is composed of a wide variety of people, some good, some bad and some inbetween.

She looked through the stores one after one. At last she bought what she needed at a price that she could afford.

He never speaks to me other than asking me to give him things.

You should aim at your goal firmly so that you can do better on your job.

She was already tied to home to take care of her sick father for a few weeks.

This road was designed to be used as a way to alleviate the traffic jam.

The society is consisted of a wide variety of people. There are good people, there are bad people, and there are people who are between those two.

She checked the shops one by one and finally got everything needed at a price she could afford.
He never talk to me other than ask me for something.
You should always aim at get your work well done.
For several weeks, she is tied to take care her sick father at home.
This road is designed to mitigate the traffic jam .
The world are composed of wide variety of people, some are nice, some are bad, and some are neither.

1她一 家商店一家商店地看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。(at a price)
She checked the shops one by one and finally got everything needed at a price she could afford.

2除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。(other than)
He never talk to me other than ask me for something.

3你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。(aim at)
You should always aim at get your work well done.

4几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。(be tied to)
For several weeks, she is tied to take care her sick father at home.

5修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。(be designed to)
This road is designed to mitigate the traffic jam

6社会是由形形色色的人组成的。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。(a wide variety of)
The world are composed of wide variety of people, some are nice, some are bad, and some are neither.

1 She walk around the stores one by one ,finaly she payed for her esssentials at a price that she can afford.
2 She never talk to me other than ask me for something.
3 You should aim at doing a good job for good .
4 She was tied to take care her diseased father at home .
5 This road was designed to mitigate the busy traffic.
6 society is made up by a wide variety of pepole,somebody good ,somebody bad,and somebody between them.


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    桂媛哑答:2. He never talks with me other than asks for something from me.3. You should always aim at achieving good performance to your work.4. She has been tied to taking after her father who was ill at home all this week.5. This road is designed to relieve the crowded traffic....

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