
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

It is important to know how to make a requirement/request politely.

I write this letter to you just for one thing.

Dear Teacher,

I am xxx. I like your teaching very much, since your pronunciation is so accurate and reading is so natural and smooth. I am a politics teacher of a township junior school. Due to the busy work I don't have plenty of time to study English. You may find it I have a weak foundation for English and please don't laugh at this. Now I would like to make use of the holidays to go on studying English. A book is known in time of need. Should you take care of me at your most convenience, it would be highly appreciated.

Dear teacher, hello. this is 某某某, like you to the class in pronunciation, of course, i read the article is the township junior high school teacher, the political work is very busy and had no time learning english, was poorly prepared to make you laugh at me, and use knowledge to continue to study the need to know is usually learn much too little more attention, please, teacher!

Dear (Dear) teacher,
Hello! I - - -, I enjoy your lessons on pronunciation, reading articles of natural flow, I was a political township middle school teacher, usually more busy work, no time to learn English, the basis of very poor, so you laughed, and now use as a holiday continue to learn, to use the book hates few when goes, ask the teacher to give more concern!

Hello!I am---,Enjoy your class Pronunciation accurately,Read the article natural and smooth,I was the political teacher towns about,Is busy at work,No time to learn English,Foundation is very poor, let you laughed, now use holiday continue to learn,书到用时方恨少(不知道你说的什么意思,呵呵),Please the teacher take care!


  • 19618887237请帮我把一段中文翻译成英文,谢谢!
    昌厚寒答:in order to realize the dream, I would follow the actions in the movies to enjoy.

  • 19618887237帮我把这些翻译成英语吧!谢谢啦!
    昌厚寒答:1.She feels herself a little quiet.But she can become very outgoing before her friends.She is understood by people.She is friendly and warm-hearted.But she is a little lazy.And she doesn't study very hard.She always makes a frantic last-minute effort.2.She would like herself...

  • 19618887237请帮我将下面的中文翻译成英文,万分感谢!
    昌厚寒答:请帮我将下面的中文翻译成英文,万分感谢! 45 谁可以帮个忙?谢谢!!我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,翻译了好久,都不行...因为我是高中毕业的,毕业已经好多年了...英语都忘记好多了...但是现在要用到,可是我翻译不了啊...我用... 谁可以帮个忙? 谢谢!! 我正在翻译一段话,但是由于我英语很烂,...

  • 19618887237请帮我一下吧,顺便翻译成中文,太谢谢了
    昌厚寒答:回答:他们是谁的短裤?B 我的洋娃娃很旧,但我很喜欢它。C 他的牛仔裤太短了。B -你想要什么,suhai?-我想要那个裙子。B 这件夹克是大卫的。A 那双鞋子太大了,试试这双A 他妈妈是一名教师A -这副手套是谁的?-它们是海伦的.B 这毛衣好看,这是YANG LING的.C 这副手套是我妈妈的.A

  • 19618887237请帮我把下列中文翻译成英文!谢谢!
    昌厚寒答:Opportunity knocks but once! This is how cheap price. Quick action. It is a wise choice. You can take it as a gift to people, also can use oneself. Come, buy to senior class.

  • 19618887237英语大神们帮我把下面这些中文翻译为英文吧!急!!!谢谢 目前,全世界...
    昌厚寒答:参考词汇:短缺:shortage ;资源:resource At present, there is a big problem in the world, is the lack of water resources, if there is no water in the world, human beings will disappear from the earth, so the water is the human life. Although there are a lot of water on ...

  • 19618887237请帮我把这些英语翻译成中文。谢谢!
    昌厚寒答:我也是尝试翻译了下哦 但是发现英文本身就有很多的语法错误 所以准确度,就不好把握了哦,呵呵,以下是我翻译的,参考下吧 我在寻找一个具有内在美的搭档,你知道外在美不会永远驻留,只有具 有内在美才算是美丽。你看过你的照片,从照片里你的面庞和眼睛,我 可以看的出来你具有内在美,并且能够将...

  • 19618887237翻译以下英文为中文,谢谢
    昌厚寒答:今天是最美丽的一天,但是我无法看到它 一个双目失明的男孩坐在屋前的梯级,脚边摆着他的帽子。他指着一个告示板说: “我是盲人,请帮帮忙。” 帽子里只有少数几个硬币。一名男子走过。他从口袋里掏出几个硬币,投入帽子里。然后,他将告示板反转过来,并写一些字句之后重新把告示板摆回原处,使每...

  • 19618887237请帮我把中文名翻译成英文名!

  • 19618887237请大家帮我把中文翻译成英文吧!!!谢谢大家!!!
    昌厚寒答:I'm in urgent need of it. Please help me.我现在很需要用,请你帮帮我吧!!!(O): 别著急, 请你形容一下你的运动衫的特徵.OK!Take it easy!Please describe your sports shirt.(A):它是蓝色的, 上面有一个SP的标志 It is blue, and there is a 'SP' logo on it.(O) 好吧!

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