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求英语高手帮我翻译几个句子!!!急!在线等~~~ 谢绝在线翻译~

1. Americans have a craze for the sun, a belief that the sun will cure chronic illness and that where there is sunshine there will be a job---or, if not a job, at least a warm, pleasant place to be unemployed.
2. Amid mounting social discontent over inflation, the government leaders have used swift police action to drive home the futility of public protest.
3. These are disorientating times for younger Americans. After a childhood of suburban ease and coming of age in the years of endless promise, they are now struggling to adjust to a life of contracting limits not suffered by their parents.
4. Somehow a balance must be struck. The government runs the risk of drawing fire from conservative Malay political quarters if plans to boost English fluency appear to threaten the status of the Malay language. But judging from the pragmatism now coloring government development programs, some of the nationalistic obsessions of the past appear to be receding.
5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though unthinkable in these Communist nations just a few years ago, is a far cry from the free-market economics practiced in the West and will probably remain so for a long time.
6. The company’s top executives are all refugees from the country’s bureaucratic and underfinanced state research sector.
7. The anxiety of growing up is attributed to the lack of adult role models and a break in communications between generations.
8. Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.
9. Britain will have the chance in the next few months to try out an emerging technology that could put mobile telephones within the reach of even modest domestic budgets.
10. Reluctance among men to retire was associated with anticipated deprivations, mainly of money rather than of attachment to work

1. Liwei Yang rode in the Shenzhou V manned spaceship to blast off on October 15, 2003.

2. Liwei Yang deserves space hero.

3. Liwei Yang's heroic deed should be engraved on each Chinese's memory.

他沿着轨道运行14圈。He moved around the orbit for 14 circles
它的高度是343千米。 Its flying height was 343 kilometers.
他持续飞行了21小时 He had continued flying for 21 hours.

1.For the children, such of this weather is very suitable to go out for fun .
2.He was alone for dinner
3.he was so tired that he gave up going to cinema .
4.Student should participate in all kinds of activities held in school
5.I believe that you can get through.

In the children's eyes, this weather to go out for playing is very suitable .
He is alone for dinner.
Because too tired, he gave up to go out for seeing a movie.
Students should take part in all kinds of activities at school.
I believe that you can certainly ride out a storm.

1.According to children,the weather would be suitable to go out and play .
2.He is eating alone.
3.He gave up to go to the movie because he was too tired.
4.Students should join activities in school.
5.I believe you can pull through.


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