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Salix cheilophila Omitted是个种名,omitted的位置应该是发现人的姓,很少见这样直接把omitted写出来的。种名一般不用翻译。

从Salix cheilophila Omitted中(分离得到)的非环二萜-Y-内脂和类黄酮(化合物)。


雄性老鼠(250-340 g)外提取了
Zentrales(是不是centrales) Tierlaboratorium(Universita”tsklinikum埃森)。
RPMI 1640介质,Leibovitz L-15介质、青霉素
抗坏血酸和8 -羟基喹啉从
德国柏林国际单位/ 40),胰岛素(默克),以及16毫克/升)地塞米松(Serva德国海德堡大学)。
1、2-Bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N、N、没有,N0-tetraacetic acidacetoxymethyl
酯(BAPTA-AM),Quin-2-acetoxymethyl酯(Quin-2-AM),Quin-2、自由酸、荧光dyes Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1-AM (OG BAPTAAM)and Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-1, hexapotassium 盐,从分子探讨欧洲
从Calbiochem 8:28胜肽(达姆施塔特,


Abstract: detoxification Vitamin Tablets (approval of the text: State Yao Zhunzi Z20026566) is a composition of compound ingredients Shisan Wei, head of its function as "Qingrejiedu, replenishing liver and kidney. Heat for leukemia drug Yung-sheng, liver and kidney Card and a lack of radiotherapy and chemotherapy-induced blood cells to reduce Dengzheng "In order to better guide clinical treatment, according to the symptoms of such disease and the characteristics of the drug, focusing on 27 and retrieval of leukemia related to pharmacology literature, and all experiments And the use of oral compound related to administration, including oral mice, gavage and in vitro experiments, the compound used in medicines and Shi Sanwei the experimental leukemia treatment. The results showed that: Liuwei with killing leukemia cells, with 10 flavor increase immune function, improve the shamisen with hematopoietic system, Bawei can inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and the taste of the two anti-fatigue effect. This is the "antidote Viacom film" The clinical application provided further evidence.
Key words: "detoxification Vitamin Tablets", pharmacology, leukemia, immune function, blood system, pathogenic microorganisms, anti-fatigue, Summary
Leukemia is a malignant hematopoietic system diseases. Characterized by bone marrow or other blood organizations, the WBC and a series of naive cells unrestricted dysplasia (known as leukemia cells). Invasion of the body organs and blood into the liquid, caused clinical manifestations and the surrounding blood leukocyte change. In order for patients suffering from the early, according to "Quxie, centralizer, to improve efficiency, and detoxification" Pharmacodynamic study of requirements, we antidote to Viacom-prescription medicines Shi Sanwei in the composition of the 627 study of literature, summed up the specific Are as follows:
• anti-tumor effect
(A), the Northeast "Guanzhong": the extract on a variety of transplanted animals inhibited the tumor, research shows that the Guanzhong B is part of an effective anti-tumor. Films detect oxygen electrode, Guanzhong B P 388 significantly reduced oxygen consumption rate of leukemia cells, mitochondria may be its anti-tumor effect of a target cell [1]. Northeast Guanzhong extract of the Northeast Guanzhong suppression of DNA synthesis, Lewis lung cancer in mice and P 388 leukemia effective. The compound used in the "Mian Ma Guanzhong" to the same family belong to the substitutes, and has since been contained in the 2000 Pharmacopoeia.
(2), Qingdai: its active ingredient indirubin has anti-tumor activity, is on the clinical treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) of effective drugs. Use of radionuclide tag (3 H-TdR, 3 H-uR, 3 H-leucine), respectively incorporation of the tumor DNA, RNA and protein research shows that the method, indirubin can inhibit the slow tablets and tablets of urgency Patients with leukemia cells, W 256 solid tumors in rats, mice liver and ascites EAC cancer cell synthesis of DNA metabolism, a slight suppression of RNA synthesis, protein synthesis no significant impact [3-5].
(3), Hedyotis diffusa: its crude preparation, in vitro only in high concentration under the EAC cancer, leukemia Yoshida sarcoma and a variety of cancer cells inhibited [6-8].
(4), Scutellaria barbata: Blue Screening test-tube experiments show that the tablets cell acute leukemia (AML) have mild blood cells inhibited use of respirators screening experiments show that the blood cells of AML inhibitory rate of more than 75 % [9].
(5), Wumei: The main ingredients of this compound for chronic, such as cervical cancer tumors have a certain effect, to further confirm the anti-tumor activity on its composition and role of an effective mechanism, it was the people of the original giant leukocyte (HIM eg ) And human promyelocytic leukemia cells (HL 60) for the study, conducted in vitro. Counting from living cells and cloning experiments can be seen its rate of water and alcohol extracts of the HIMeg and HL 60 cells have a direct role in inhibiting the growth [10].
(6), artesunate: The row with law and in vitro cloning research artemisinic acid and derivatives of the four artesunate B - compounds A, B, C, D on a variety of cell lines cytotoxicity. When the four kinds of compounds concentration of 5 μ g / ml, its P 388 mouse leukemia cells inhibited the rate of more than 85% [11]. Artemisinic acid (Ⅰ) of hydroxyl in the derivatives after a ene-a-lactone of a pair of six Central to the poor vary purchase of (Ⅱ, Ⅲ), Ⅱ after a reduction in a heterogeneous in Ester (Ⅳ, Ⅴ), Ⅱ further oxidation in a post-hydroxy-lactone (Ⅵ). Compounds Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅵ in vitro small P 388 leukemia cells have anti-tumor activity, and Ⅰ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ no. The concentration of 10 μ g / ml and 1 μ g / ml when, Ⅱ P 388 to inhibit cell growth rate of 100% and 42%; Ⅵ inhibition rate was 100 per cent and 47 per cent [14].

• immune function of
(A), Qingdai: its active ingredient indirubin 200 mg / kg sc, for 6 d, to enhance tumor-bearing rats were swallowed up by macrophages in the role of chicken red blood cells [12].
(2), Hedyotis diffusa: mice fed with aqueous extract of its crude 0, 6g (Pharmacognosy) / only to enhance the peritoneal fluid swallowed up by white Staphylococcus leukemia in the ability of [13]. Rabbit in the ability of interleukin engulfed in bacteria, fed with water decoction group than the control group increased more than three times [14, 15]. In vitro tests can enhance people in the blood of the WBC, Staphylococcus aureus phagocytosis [16].
(C), Scutellaria barbata: The goods were obtained from the polysaccharides in vitro can promote the concanavalin A (ConA) spleen cells in mice induced lymphocyte transformation, the optimal concentration of 400 r / ml [17].
(4), Astragalus: decoction of 50%, 0.5ml / only ig, can accelerate the mice injected into the blood plasma protein marker 131 I dissection of the role that their organizations giant嗜the liver and spleen cells could enhance the role of phagocytosis [18 ]; Decoction of the goods 100% 0.6 ml / only ig, can promote mice嗜phagocytic giant chicken RBC role [19]; decoction of the goods 25 g / kg ig, giant嗜will enhance the role of phagocytosis [20] ; Decoction of the goods 10 μ g / ml concentration of cell culture cancer patients, rats injected into the skin, significantly enhancing its local graft-versus-host reaction, that the goods on the T-cell immune function is to promote the role [21].
(5), Chinese wolfberry son: an ultra-dose sheep red blood cells (SRBC) immunoassay (SOI) show that the appropriate dose of old mice LBP inhibit T cells (Ts) significantly regulation, enhance the activity of Ts cells [22 ]. Through the Yc Rose and EA rosette forming the rate of confirmed LBP10mg/kg gavage to mice, for 7 d, can significantly increase the macrophage C 3b and the Fc receptor number and vitality, and can weaken into acetic acid Hydrocortisone on macrophage C 3b Fc receptor and the inhibition [23].
(6), artemisinin: its suspension 450 mg / kg ip, for 6 d, the sheep red blood cells in mice sensitized enhance the role of delayed-type hypersensitivity; 300 ~ 600mg/kg ip, Rose specific immune suppression in mice Flower forming, inhibit hemolytic plaque formation for the suspension of the 0.56, 2.8, 5.6mg/ml in vitro and promote transformation of lymphocytes, immune cells that promote the humoral immunity and are inhibited [24].
(7), the LDC Fuling; the humoral immune response without inhibition, but the option of inhibiting cell immune response. Its water extract of the antigen sensitization after the attack and after treatment were significantly curbed Picryl chloride (pc) mice contact dermatitis and sheep red blood cells (SRBC) by the reaction of the foot, when the role of administration after the attacks more Strong. In addition, the goods on the formation of antibodies in mice SRBC cells had no significant impact, but its hemolytic plaque clearly than the control group, at the same time, the level of serum hemolysin not decreased, and was an upward trend in [25]. Fuling compound soil water, alcohol extract of gavage can inhibit the rat egg white and Carrageenan foot swelling [26].
(8), Cistanche: decoction of oral prednisolone to enhance the low Yang mice humoral and cellular immune function [27]; enhanced single-core - macrophage phagocytosis [28]; their water extract of 50 mg / kg, 100mg/kg gavage to mice, can significantly increase the weight of the spleen and thymus, enhanced macrophage phagocytosis, increase hemolysin and hemolytic plaque value, increase lymphocyte transformation rate, 3 H-TdR incorporation The increase in lymphocytes, enhanced mice delayed hypersensitivity, but also increased peritoneal macrophages in the CAMP level, lower level of CGMP, CAMP / CGMP ratio increased, this may be its enhanced peritoneal macrophages Phagocytosis one of the reasons [29].
(9), Dodder: its extract 1.6 / kg ig, for 6 d, burn mice can be enhanced macrophage phagocytosis, an increase of serum antibody hemolysin spleen cells and enhance the proliferation of ConA [30].
(10), Bajitian: Wen Jinji 64 g / kg / day orally, can minors thymus atrophy, 10g/kg / day intraperitoneal injection, the thymus atrophy is also very significant, Bajitian 50 percent ethanol extract Of 60 g / kg / day of oral also make a minor thymus atrophy [31]. Its decoction, for delivery 10 days, but can inhibit the thymus atrophy and increase the number of leukocytes in the blood of the function [32].

. Microbial resistance of the role of
(1), Mian Ma Guanzhong: decoction with test-tube dilution, 1: 800 to 1: 160 pairs of various types of influenza viruses have different degrees of inhibition [33]; decoction of its chicken test in 1: 104-105 Concentration of PR8 strain of influenza A virus, A virus in Asia have a strong effect [34].
(2), Qingdai: ethanol extract 0.5 g / ml concentration in vitro test for Bacillus anthracis, pneumonia bacteria, Shigella dysentery bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus aureus are white inhibition [35]; effective Effects of one element of wool-like Microsporum, breaking the Xuanjun, red Xuanjun, floc inhibit epidermal Xuanjun, the minimum inhibitory concentration for 5 μ g / ml [36].
(C), Hedyotis diffusa: In vitro antibacterial activity is not significant, only Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella are weak role [37]. High concentrations can inhibit the water decoction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi and Proteus the growth of many other common pathogenic role of the weak [38]. The rabbit test appendicitis a better effect [39].
(4), Scutellaria barbata: 50% decoction with flat-ditch, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella's blessing, typhoid bacteria, pus antibacterial Green, E. coli inhibit [40].
(5), Wumei: Screening of in vitro found that inhibit a variety of pathogens such as E. coli-dysentery, typhoid bacteria, Bacillus paratyphoid, whooping cough bacteria, such as meningococcus [41-45].
(6), Astragalus: decoction of 50% 0.4ml / only ig, for 2 d, with parainfluenza virus type Ⅰ (Sendai) BB 1株attacks continue to take 5 d, a protective role in mice, the mice can significantly reduce Mortality [46]. Decoction of 0.3 percent of their concentration. The Sindbis virus, Newcastle disease virus, follicular stomatitis virus and influenza viruses have antiviral activity [47].
(7), artemisinin: water suspension 1.8, 3.6, 5.4mg / embryo, the embryo infected with influenza virus A 3-Beijing Section 79 - two inhibit [48]. Agar plate method to test for Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, streptococcus B, pneumococcal the LC 50 (mg / ml) of its decoction were 17.6, 131.9, 263.9,> 200: ethanol extract of their respective To 41.7, 263.9, 141.4, 93.3 ethanol extract of goods were 32.1, 93.3, 70.7, 107.1
The drug acid on Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus white, enterococci, Bacillus subtilis the minimum inhibitory concentration, respectively 1.0, 1.0,> 2.0, 0.5mg/ml [49]. The flooding of soft artesunate 1: 3 concentrations in vitro on XU Lan Huang's Xuanjun, Aodu Ang's small Bacillus Xuanjun, the star's card slaves Jundeng skin fungus, have different degrees of inhibition [50 ].
(8), Bajitian: ethanol extract, in vitro to inhibit Bacillus subtilis [51]. Bajitian ethanol extract of in vitro to inhibit the hepatitis B virus [52].

. The impact of the hematopoietic system
(A), Astragalus: decoction of 20 g / kg, a total of 10 d, anemia and bleeding on acetylcholine PHENYLHYDRAZINE hemolytic anemia are caused by blood can increase the red blood cells and haemoglobin, cyclophosphamide caused by the WBC and platelet reduce Promote their recovery, would increase the number of reticulocyte and the number of bone marrow cells [53].
(2), Chinese wolfberry: normal mice monthly ig10% decoction of 0.5 ml for 10 d, WBC will increase. Healthy people and cancer patients taking po wolfberry nuts 50 g / d, even serving 10 d, can significantly increase the WBC [54, 55]. LBP 10 mg / (kg.d) ip, for 3 d, can promote mouse bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell proliferation, increased significantly tablets single progenitor cells, promote their differentiation to the tablets [56].
(C), Dodder: the suppression of cyclophosphamide tablets progenitor cells (CFU-D) to promote the growth of [57].

. Anti-Fatigue Effect
(A), Wumei: dry goods can eliminate fatigue, citric acid in the body the energy conversion process is indispensable to the material, physical fatigue in the blood lactate divided into CO 2 and H 2 O and from in vitro, thereby preventing lactic acid and muscle Protein binding, to avoid cell and vascular sclerosis [58].
(2), Cistanche: water decoction of the pharmacological experiments conducted in vitro studies showed that the inhibition of rat liver homogenate LPO and the formation of strong anti-fatigue and anti-anoxia role [59]. Decoction of gavage Cistanche mice, mice can extend the time for swimming, sports load serum creatine kinase reduce the rate of increase, indicating the increase in physical goods is on the basis of its role in the anti-fatigue [60].

After the "antidote Vitamin Tablets," Shi Sanwei prescription medicines in the analysis, summarized the following five aspects of the effect:
1. Shiwei drugs on immune function, namely: Qingdai, Hedyotis diffusa, Scutellaria barbata, astragalus, Chinese wolfberry son, artesunate, soil Fuling, Cistanche, Dodder, Bajitian.
2. Bawei Chinese medicine against pathogenic microbes inhibit, namely: Mian Ma Guanzhong, Qingdai, Hedyotis diffusa, Scutellaria barbata, Wumei, astragalus, artesunate, Bajitian.
3. Liuwei drugs to kill leukemia cells, namely: Mian Ma Guanzhong, Qingdai, Hedyotis diffusa, Scutellaria barbata, Wumei, artesunate.
4. Shamisen Chinese medicine on hematopoietic function, namely: Astragalus, Chinese wolfberry son, Cuscuta.
5. The fight against drug taste of the role of fatigue are: Wu Mei, Cistanche.
According to this analysis, for detoxification vitamin tablets provide further clinical application of the reference.





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