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大家都知道,生活在21世纪的年轻人掌握一门外语是十分重要的,尤其是英语。如何学好英语,提高英语水平,是当前很多中学生困惑的问题。其实,学好英语并不是一件难事,关键在于要掌握好的学习方法。学习方法自然是因人而异、因时而异的。其实方法本身无所谓好与坏,关键就看它能否完美地与 个人相结合,提高学习效率,如果一套方法能够激发你的学习兴趣,提高学习效率的话,以后要做的就是坚持下去。可能我们都见过类似的情况:有的人整日埋头书案,学得很辛苦,但成绩仍不理想:有的人则懂得“有张有弛”,学得很轻松,而且名列前茅。如果你是后者,相信你已经找到了良好的学习方法与你个人的最佳结合点了,只要持之以恒即可;而前者已经具备了一定的毅力,关键就在于提高自己的学习效率了。


Hello! I am a lovely girl 11 years, now in a primary school class. My name is very good, call Mary. I have a friend. Her name is also very good, she called Anna. We are a very good sisters. Of course, we have many similarities and differences, so now I have come to give you a lecture!
She was a very beautiful girl, pretty slim, also very gentle grace. Her hobbies are widely, but most are very quiet. Such as fishing, writing and reading, calligraphy, etc. I was a very pretty girl, but my body fat, outgoing personality, lively. Like most sports, such as: the volleyball, shot put, badminton, etc. Besides, I also like sports adventure, go outing, try some new things.
Although the gap between us, but we are still the most intimate, most good friends, we often help each other. Say again we have in common: we are also is the top class, also very good, intelligent. If there is a classmate was ill, we will be in after school to see him with fruit, and help him do recitation, If a small animal was injured, we will pick it up, good bandage wounds, then when it was released to recover, etc.
Say so, because we have in common, will produce the friendship between us and everything. I believe that we will also is full of sunshine!
Just arrived here.
Thank you for listening.

Friends and I
Hello, everybody! I am a lovely girl of 11 years old, now five years a group of primary school. Good to hear my name, called Mary. I have a friend, her name is pretty, her name is Anna. We are a very good sister should. Of course, we have a lot in common and different points, so now I come to you talk about it!
She is a very lovely beautiful girl, tall and slender, and very quiet and elegant. Her hobby is extensive, but most are very quiet. Such as fishing, writing, reading and calligraphy. I am also a very lovely girl, but my body fat, outgoing and lively. Favorite sports, such as: volleyball, shot put, and badminton. In addition to sports, I like to take risks, going on an outing to try some fresh things.
Although a great gap between us, but we are still the most intimate, best friend, we often help each other. Besides that we have in common: we all have the same class of elite students, is also very kind, smart. If a student is sick, we will take fruit to go after school to visit him and help him review; if a small animal was injured, and we will pick it up, to bind up the wound, and then when it recovered, and then to release and so on.
So, because we have in common, will produce the friendship between us and all of all. I believe our future will be equally full of sunshine!
To get here.
Thank you for listening.


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