请大家帮忙翻译一下以下这些话(用英文),并把意思带上,谢谢 大家早上好/下午好。我的名字叫××,英文...

来自:    更新日期:早些时候
大家早上好 今天我来自我介绍一下英语翻译~

Good morning, everyone. I am going to give you an introduction of myself today.

Good morning my sunsine

Good morning / Good afternoon ,everyone。My name is XX and my English name is XX 。今天是我的值日生很荣幸能够站在这里。I am on duty today and it's a great honor to be here今天天气不是很好,还有一些冷,请休息多穿衣服哦! It isn't a fine day today ,with a little cold。Please put on more clothes and have a good rest.我没有什么业余爱好,可能玩就是我最大的爱好吧!My favorite hobby is play Without anyother hobbies。
建议你在这里爱好这里写一个看书或者听音乐什么的 都会好些的

Good morning/afternoon everyone(大家早上好/下午好).
My name is xx with a English name xx(我的名字叫××,英文名叫××).
I am on duty today and it' s really an honor standing here(今天是我的值日生很荣幸能够站在这里).
Today is not a very nice day (今天天气不是很好) and the weather is a little cold (还有一些冷) so please take good care of yourselves(请休息多穿衣服哦!).
I don't have many hobbies(我没有什么业余爱好), perhaps entertainments are my favorite ones(可能玩就是我最大的爱好吧).

Good morning/afternoon,my name is×× with english name××,today is my duty and i`m honor to stand here.it`s not a good day today as it is a little bit cold,pls wear more clothers.i do not have any special hobbies,maybe,playing is my favorite thing.

Good morning /afternoon every one. My name isXX and my English name is XX . I am on duty today and it's a great honor to be here, It isn't a fine day today . Moreover ,it 's a bit clod.Please put on more clothes and have a good rest. I don't have any speclal hobby and phape playing is the thing I like the most.

Good morning\good afternoon.My Chinese name is XXX and my English name is XXX. tody is my duty and I am honer to stand here. Today' s weather is not very good, it is a little cold. You had better wear more. I do not have any special hobbies, maybe piay is my favorite hobby!

请大家帮忙翻译一下以下这些话(用英文),并把意思带上,谢谢 大家早上好/下午好。我的名字叫××,英文...视频

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