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At the end of financial year, the company is doing a yearly balance sheet and if the company was on profit, the shareholder is entitled to take the dividends (any time he wants, if he wants). The tax per dividends is 16% calculated on the yearly accounting profit.; this dividends tax is paid only if the shareholder is entitled and wants to take dividends.
在财年结束时,公司会做一个年度资产平衡表,如果公司盈利,那么股东就有权领取红利(他想要任何时候分红都可以)。每股红利税为年度企业利润的16%; 红利税仅在股东有权并要求领取红利的时候上缴。dividend也可以翻译成股息。

1 OS (operating system) runs slowly, almost hanging

2 the incorrect item is on held

Alexander. Grahame. Bell has invented the telephone in 1876. Henceforth, this was situated has lifted the human modern communication history new chapter in US's blue bonnets. Was precisely through telephone this great invention, Bell's assistant has heard that words which in other room he just said: “invites watson gentleman to here, I need your help.”The same year October, they between continent Cambridge have carried on a long-distance range telephone conversation successfully in Boston and hemp Sa Zhusai, between two place's distances are three kilometers. To 1880, the entire North America area's telephone service network user total had already surpassed 70000. on June 2, 1875, American Alexander. Grahame. Bell (Bell, Alekander Graham) has invented the telephone. Until now the American Boston Court road 109 entrances, still sewed the block to carve have: on June 2, 1875 the telephone was born in here bronze medal
In the history includes to telephone's improvement and the invention: Powdered carbon microphone, artificial distribution board, dial plate, dial telephone switchboard, program-controlled telephone switchboard, double sound multi-frequency selection, pronunciation digit sampling and so on. Recent years's new technology included, ISDN, DSL, simulation mobile phone and numeric move telephone and so on.



  • 15293148894快帮我翻译一下以下的话 用英语,谢谢啊
    咸钞民3. I have many hobbies, but my favorites are reading and music.

  • 15293148894请用英语帮我翻译一下下面这段话。谢谢。
    咸钞民Hello, I am your ciceroni Li Hua, I am so happy to guide you visit BeiJing. Now I will tell you about tomorrow's activities. First, we will gather at the gate of LiHao Middle Schoole at 8o'clock. Next we will visit the Freat Wall from 9.am to 11.am. Then we wi...

  • 15293148894请帮我翻译一下,下面一句话
    咸钞民1. 扇子;风扇;鼓风机 She cooled herself with a fan.她用扇子纳凉。2. 扇形物 3. 螺旋桨;螺旋桨叶片 4. 簸箕;扬谷机 vt.1. 扇 2. 煽动;激起 Gossiping about her neighbors fanned them into resentment.背后议论她的邻居激起了他们的忿恨。3. (用扇子等)驱走[(+away)]4. (微风)吹拂 ...

  • 15293148894请帮我翻译一下下面的文字。谢谢。急!
    咸钞民what you have said,you are not kidding with me,what you have said,I am your baby.dear,take it easy,your baby will be obedient and never dissapoint you!my dear,sincerely thank you for accompanying me through thick and thin!You are a good man,you deserve my love!是你写的么...

  • 15293148894请帮我翻译以下这句话 翻译成中文
    咸钞民1.对于这个世界来说你只是一个普通人 但是对于某个人来说你就是他的世界 2.无论发生什么事情,我都会像现在一样爱着你,至死不渝 3.哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你 好浪漫。希望对你有帮助

  • 15293148894请帮我用英语翻译以下一段话,谢谢。
    咸钞民I am so sorry. I fall in love with the other although he doesn't know anything about that. I think I will keep loving him, though can't stay together. I do apologize for this.

  • 15293148894请帮我翻译一下以下对话:
    咸钞民你好,克莱尔,谢谢你对我参观的友情招待。工厂看起来很在行,我对工厂的设备和展览厅也很感兴趣,希望不就的将来我们能够合作。我刚刚得到美方消息说他们寄了一些腈纶样品到了北京办事处,迟些让我们一同去我也好给你看一些相关信息。希望你了解详细信息后能给我一份行情表。再一次感谢你的邀请。好运 非...

  • 15293148894请帮我翻译一下以下英语。谢。
    咸钞民Don't except life to be fair.不要指望人生是公平的 Don't hesitate to lose a battle if it helps you win the war,如果在一场战役的失败能够帮你赢得整场战争的胜利,让它失败。Don't procrastinate.Do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.不要拖延,在事情需要被完成的...

  • 15293148894请帮我翻译下面一段话成日语 不用敬语 女生 可爱点的~谢谢~
    咸钞民こないだ世话焼いてくれてて、ありがとうね。(年下のくせに… まぁいい、大体同い年ね。)冬休みから日本语を勉强し始めるんで、来学期になってよ~く话し合おうね。えへへ^_^。今年のクリスマス、この大切な时间に、あたしと一绪にいてくれて、ありがとう。この贵重な思い出...

  • 15293148894请帮我翻译一下以下的话
    咸钞民Alexander. Grahame. Bell has invented the telephone in 1876. Henceforth, this was situated has lifted the human modern communication history new chapter in US's blue bonnets. Was precisely through telephone this great invention, Bell's assistant has heard that words which in other room...

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